Is everyone offended by everything?

By : Administrator
Published 5th June 2020 |
Read latest comment - 10th June 2020

We seem to live in strange times. Few people in this country these days (at least that I'm aware of, and I have quite a diverse range of contacts, from squaddies to directors) are narrow-minded enough to dislike someone because of the colour of their skin or religious belief. 

But everyone seems terrified now of being singled out and labelled as a racist. In fact, people are going out of their way to show and prove how un-racist they are. The latest example being Keith Lemon apologising about Bo'selecta.

 The recent events in America have been horrific and there does seem to be a lingering institutional racism in certain States and organisations. But do we really believe that here?

There was the shameful episode of Stephen Lawrence, but are we as a nation as racist as the media is painting us out to be?

I've always been of the opinion that something is obvious when it is meant as humour, and just as obvious when it meant to be malicious. If someone has an axe to grind or a chip on their shoulder, it's normally pretty visible and obvious.

But in the modern world, everyone seems to get offended by absolutely everything. Colour, race, religion, nationality, gender, age, weight, height, sexual persuasion, job, news, stereotypes. Without any regard to context or overreaction.

I sat recently with my kids watching the old Carry On Films. As an 8 and 10-year-old, they found these 50-year-old films hilarious. Most of the cast may have past away, but it was timeless humour. Even tame compared by modern standards.

I do wonder what the crew room banter of the modern military looks like. I wonder if I would still be "Fat lad", "Dwarf" or things that aren't repeatable on a public forum. I don't ever remember taking offence, neither did the Gingers, Troggs, Paddys, Lumpy Jumpers, Ruperts or myriad of Forces labels designed to take the mickey out of everyone. True equal opportunity in action.

We do seem to be in an era of negativity, extreme political correctness with an immediate social media witchhunt for any slip of the tongue or perceived wrongdoing. 

Wrong and nastiness will always be wrong and nastiness, but let's allow some room for humour and commonsense.

Got to go, can see villagers with pitchforks and torches approaching...


Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

 I tend to take everyone at face value, colour doesn’t generally come into it.... but then many people will say similar, but if we’re going to play the honesty card, racisms and prejudices effects all of us and is within all of us......... I’m 58 now anyone of similar age, their parents would have thought Bernard Manning was hilarious and would have tuned into ITVs Wheel Tappers and Shunters Club religiously on a Sunday night back in the 70s.... remember Love Thy Neighbour? Although deemed now as being racist, the guy who was playing the stereotypical white racist, was the person who was made to look the fool..... The same applied to Alf Garnet..... Yes they were funny at the time, now a bit cringeworthy to watch... I must admit I liked Bo Selecta, I thought it was funny and original, never even crossed my mind as being discriminatory... Some could say, well I would say that being a white guy...I guess it all depends on which window you're looking through. Personally if we’re all going to be 100 percent honest, then I believe we all have prejudices and we all discriminate for one reason or another......I’ve met many people who hate their fellow country folk, because of the cast system within their country.... We had it here years ago with the class system, it still exists to a certain extent..... it’s all discriminatory. There’s lots of things people find morally objectionable in this modern world we live in... in my opinion they’re entitled to hold them opinions, it doesn’t mean to say they’re bigots or wrong, they just have a different opinion... legally they have to comply with the law however PC that maybe......  I struggle to understand why some people want to blame those alive today for what our forefathers did in the past.... I’m not responsible and I don’t owe anyone an apology..... As for positive discrimination.... well that’s a joke on itself..... treat everyone fairly, equally and on merit, then we’re all get on.. or at least should.... start making special allowances then that’s a different ball game....But then not everything is black and white... love and peace to all....


Shoooo I've written about 10000 words and keep deleting.Basically I had no choice as I was born into a  country with apartheid.  But was lucky enough to have parents that weren't so had a slightly different life as I had both worlds. 1 thing I can tell you is I was never abusive towards them  .. I'll leave it there + I'll just add if it was for my Nanny I wouldn't be here today as she saved me from certain death as I was being electrocuted , can't say more than that



Andy-C | Pewter World

A difficult and tricky subject. And I think white privilege is alive and well. And it's all very well saying it's fine we're not racist but if you're white in the UK or US you have absolutely no idea what is like to be a person of colour. 

We have NO idea what it is like to be judged for the colour of our skin and sadly racism is very much alive and well. It's institutionalised racism in many cases, just look at the US police situation. 

You might say you don't judge people but we all do, all the time. 

I'm trying to learn what I can finding out how I can help. I think we need to be very careful dismissing it as people being overly PC. 

People are protesting against some very real problems and we all need to wake up. 

Shoooo I've written about 10000 words and keep deleting.Basically I had no choice as I was born into a  country with apartheid.  But was lucky enough to have parents that weren't so had a slightly different life as I had both worlds. 1 thing I can tell you is I was never abusive towards them  .. I'll leave it there + I'll just add if it was for my Nanny I wouldn't be here today as she saved me from certain death as I was being electrocuted , can't say more than that



I can't even imagine what you have seen, being South African. You probably have quite a unique perspective.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Interesting comments. Barneys right about previous generations, my families no different.

I concede it's more obvious or focused in innercity environments. But looking at the UK population as a whole, removing the small but vocal extreme nutters, I genuinely don't believe we are a racist nation. I do think we've come along way in the last 30 - 40 years, from women rights, gay rights and minority communities.

I hear you, Rebecca, but I'm still very anti-PC, in my mind we have gone too far worrying about upsetting everyone. Listen to  LBC, or watch the news, and there seems to be far too many people who are looking to be offended. Maybe it's an age thing.

But I think the media are missing the real issue, which is education. From education comes understanding, tolerance and opportunities. But too many still slip through the net. The whole education system needs reforming, from underfunded inner-city schools, to uni students being up to their eyes in debt. But that's a whole different rabbit hole.

My kids don't see colour, they just see mates. Maybe I'm a hopeless optimist, but if we keep looking and moving forward, forget comparisons to the USA, I think we are a more tolerant and continually evolving society. Maybe more than we all give ourselves credit for.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Interesting comments. Barneys right”
Ahem..... usually am...


I hear you, Rebecca, but I'm still very anti-PC, in my mind we have gone too far worrying about upsetting everyone. 

Me too.


I think you’ve probably hit the nail on the head by mentioning education..... Education is if you like is your freedom pass....  We can all go on about with the poor me attitude and continue to drag up the past.....yes it has its place and should be discussed, just like the holocaust is discussed..... But when looting, violence and desecration of historical statues takes place....... you’ve lost the argument outright....


Yep can't agree more , but it's hard to get a education when schools are burnt down

Andy-C | Pewter World

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