I agree with the previous postings regarding keeping a good control on the budget, I used PPC Adwords also to kick start projects ..
One small piece of advice that can be a goldmine is to target low cost and sometimes obscure keywords that still have relevance to your market.
You may also want to look around for other PPC or PPV suppliers like Adnet some of the adwords alternatives can be very cheap with good ROI depending on your market.
Just browsing this thread about EM so my pennies worth.
In the early days of my IM career email marketing was almost the only way to attract customers WE /I used to send out many thousands of emails in a scatter gun way.. We used our own proprietary software and sent through throwaway servers mainly in the far east .. Ahhh the good old days before the can the spam act. Of course I wouldn't resort to those methods now although I still have the technology somewhere in my old archived software hard-drives.
The open rate very much depended on the subject line, We would split test many different subject lines until we found a few that had a 5% or better open rate, The messages also needed to be tweaked until we found a good combination that worked. Our advantage was that we did everything in house so the costs to send was minimal apart from the fact that broadband did not exist at that time so our land line modems tied up the phones.
However it was profitable and most probably still is.
Keep on going with your Plumbers website Idea,
I know it works because that is exactly one of my business models..
I build very simple websites for all kinds of local businesses I never sell the sites I rent them out an a yearly basis full fee upfront and keep control .. If the client decides not to renew I simply move on and sell to someone else in the same business .. simples ..
I charge according to the business size and of course make sure of google page one listings for at least 10 keyword phrases.
My fees start at