Email Marketing & Sanity Check

By 3 MORE YEARS : Forum Member
Published 28th July 2011 | Last comment 27th December 2011
Yousendit are almost everyday sending me email, because I used there service once.

I am on the edge to take up the offer as it keeps getting cheaper, but they have sent me loads before I will bite.

That said it is boarding on the side of telling them where to stick it also.

I am always amazed at the ads in the back of news papers for some cream coloured trousers for the older generation (full page advert) makes a return on investment!

I think it's purely a numbers game when marketing via email, I read somewhere 1% was a good return.


forum avatarLondon Plumbers
7th August 2011 3:33 PM
I don't think that cold phone calls and emails works.

I don't think that cold phone calls and emails works.

That's a pretty thin comment. So from your experience you haven't had much of a return from this kind of marketing or is that just anecdotal?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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forum avatarLondon Plumbers
8th August 2011 1:56 PM
That's a pretty thin comment. So from your experience you haven't had much of a return from this kind of marketing or is that just anecdotal?

I know how my boss reacts to this type of emails and phone calls

Just browsing this thread about EM so my pennies worth.
In the early days of my IM career email marketing was almost the only way to attract customers WE /I used to send out many thousands of emails in a scatter gun way.. We used our own proprietary software and sent through throwaway servers mainly in the far east .. Ahhh the good old days before the can the spam act. Of course I wouldn't resort to those methods now although I still have the technology somewhere in my old archived software hard-drives.

The open rate very much depended on the subject line, We would split test many different subject lines until we found a few that had a 5% or better open rate, The messages also needed to be tweaked until we found a good combination that worked. Our advantage was that we did everything in house so the costs to send was minimal apart from the fact that broadband did not exist at that time so our land line modems tied up the phones.

However it was profitable and most probably still is.


Direct Digital Resources

forum avatarCard Cutters Ltd
3rd November 2011 9:40 AM
I think it does work not sure though, as its too early for me to say anything about it but I am using an emarketing website and drafting emails and sending to our existing merchants. First time there was no response from any one but second time, some of the merchants appreciated and to be honest I am glad that atleast people have started to recognise us. I can see number of clicks and track how many visitiors we had to our website it tracks it all. I kind of like of like it.

As Steve already mentioned in his post atleast people recognise the company and that's what I think.

Now about buying data, if you just want to do emarketing then you just need email addresses and if I remember correctly then it costs you 5p per email address. If I am right if you buy it in bulk you will get it cheaper.

If you want to do it then if you like I can check the name of the company where we got the data from and I can refer you to the emarketing company as well

forum avatarelitebag
27th December 2011 3:42 AM
Yes ,You will pay much more money on it if the many people clik,but there are not many real customers .So it is really expensive in fact.

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