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JoinedApr 2014
Latest activity 1st Sep 2015 2:47pm  

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HSBC Banking trouble 1st September 2015 2:47 PM

Even today, their online banking is soooo sloooowww

I've had an hour this morning to HMRC , on behalf of a client, most of that on hold. When i finally get through, the staff have been at varying levels of cluelessness and incompetence. They sent the client a letter saying he owes £400 on his PAYE, then could not find any record of such.  They then discover another socalled underpayment, for a different period, but couldn't identify anything about it! I've got all the figures in front of me, which they agree, but still think he's paid £180 too little, despite seeing his payments on their screen. In the end, the woman tells me "oh, it must be a computer error"     and cuts me off!

Bank Holiday season again... 7th May 2014 1:14 PM  here you go

Bank Holiday season again... 6th May 2014 12:43 PM

Easter is a 'moveable feast' because it's one of the pagan celebrations connected with the moon phases that the Christians nicked. Can't remember exactly how it works offhand, but something todo with phases of moon around spring equinox.

There are one or two schools (academies) who already split the having four 13 week terms with two weeks off in each, i think. This seems far more sensible. This term is riduculous..they went back on 28 April and are off again for half term on 26 May!

Bank Holiday season again... 6th May 2014 10:40 AM

On a personal level I love it, but this year, Easter and May half term seem so close it does disrupt things. I guess that's where being a small business owner helps a bit, in terms of flexibility. I'm very aware of another week off at the end of May so I'm trying to cram in 3 big VAT returns in before then...of course that relies on the clients being a)prepared and b)cooperative

I can highly recommend my local independent Pet Shop, Bannerbrook Pets in Tile Hill, Coventry.

They are in their 3rd year now and are a real asset to the community. Not only do they sell a great range of products at competitive prices, but they can offer valuable advice - even if this doesn't result in a sale for them. They are always friendly and ready for a chat and are really active in the community, supporting local events. They sum up, to me, everything that is good about a local business

We do find it tricky. Because we have our own business, it does give us a modicum of flexibility, but we can't just shut up shop for 2 weeks. We do have one employee, but he can't be on his own for 2 weeks either, so we end up doing alternate days. We did actually take a 4 day short break over the Easter holidays. Next month it's half term so we'll be back to one in, one out. Our children are 10 and 12 so almost but not quite old enough to be left for a while...ok to nip round the corner to the shop, but not really a half day at work!