HSBC Banking trouble

By : Forum Member
Published 28th August 2015 |
Read latest comment - 2nd September 2015

Just had a rather strained phone call with the HSBC - demanding to speak to Steve re an urgent issue.

Tried explaining that he wasn't about and if it was that urgent they should speak to me. They were having none of it. 

Just checked online to try and see what is going on and firstly took me 25 minutes to even connect to the online banking system - got chucked off it the first few times i tried. Gave up in the end

Googled HSBC to find that their has been a massive glitch of their system (again!) and that thousands of workers face a long weekend without being paid. Ouch!

Are you waiting for wages from a HSBC bank account - i'd go and check 'coz i think you are in for a bit of a shock!


lol ,I heard on the radio ... Although for me it is not problem got paid my redundancy pay finally so am pretty well stocked with cash .That is until I have sorted out all my debts

Andy-C | Pewter World

Oh I heard something about that. What a mess. I am with First Direct so I'm okay.....

Oh I heard something about that. What a mess. I am with First Direct so I'm okay.....”

Aren't they the Direct/online arm of HSBC though?

Are they on separate systems?

Well guess they are on the basis that you are not having trouble. Ok i will get my coat ... 


Even today, their online banking is soooo sloooowww


Haha hence the dot dot dot. Yes they are but seemingly unaffected....unsure how the systems link up. They're excellent for customer service. 

Aren't they the Direct/online arm of HSBC though?

Are they on separate systems?

Well guess they are on the basis that you are not having trouble. Ok i will get my coat ... 



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