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JoinedSep 2013
Latest activity 21st Feb 2014 4:44pm  

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Echoing Dreamraven, "engaging your audience" is the key. A lot of people (I'm also guilty) tend to forget the social side, ie interaction, not just sales messaged or self serving links. Engage with your audience, comment on their services or products. A bit of flattery can work wonders, then all of a sudden, someone has reposted/retwttited,repinned a comment, pic, URL etc.

Your thread title is "how to get rapid traffic..." Maybe thats where you are going wrong. Take it nice and easy, don't look for shortcuts, become known as the photo expert across different channels. It's not quick or easy, but it is sustainable once you get there.

Although this is aimed at FB PPC, I think it highlights some points in how to use FB properly.

Spot on Steve. In many ways treat your online friends and potential friends as you would in real life. If all you do is talk about your business and nothing else most people would be put off. Instead engage and entertain, then you will get a far better response. Generally 3-4 tweets/posts a day is considered optimal, and 1 of which can be promotional.
There are online tools available such as Hootsuite, which enables you to manage your online social media interaction and for single user accounts its free.

As with anything, what you get in is directly proportional to what you get out, and social media is no different. However working smarter by utilising online resources to manage the workload will help.

If your still struggling let me know as I know someone who currently offers social media marketing packages at only
Its not just getting traffic that you should be looking at, but targeted traffic. Highly responsive traffic which wants your information or product.

Look at guest posting, forum participation, blog commenting all relevant to your particular market for reasonably quick traffic, and SEO as well as high quality interesting and informative content, posted on your own blog.
Infographic - Link Building Strategies 12th September 2013 1:23 PM
Interesting post.

Backlink strategies have no doubt changed in recent months. The days of spamming sites to get lots of low quality links, such as scrapebox et al, are well and truly over. As indicated in the moz post, diversity of links and anchortext are key. One area i see mentioned is "repurposing content", which means utilising content for various elements to create usable and informative content that can then be placed on various alterntive styles of sites such as infographic, slide/presentation sites as well as document sharing sites. Of course the key is to ensure the content is high quality in the first place. The aim of repurposing content is to provide potential link bait and social media interaction, which has become increasingly important.
How to Get Rapid Traffic from Social Media 12th September 2013 12:52 PM
Social media is tricky for many. The key is to ensure that you offer informative, interesting and engaging posts and tweets that are ideal for the respective target audience. Lots of self serving llinks, selling and promoting soon puts people off. Those who have lots of followers and likes etc, are ones that put in funny, useful style posts.