Hansi_R - Profile

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JoinedOct 2014
Latest activity 10th Oct 2014 2:34pm  

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I'm looking for any comments, stories, adventure tales or strategies on promotional products and how companies (small, medium, large) use them to boost their advertising. 

Do you use promotional items?

Do you put your brand or logo on them? 

Where do you give them out? (People on the street, trade shows etc)

And do you really think promotional products are effective? 

I hope you guys can help me out with some brilliant stories! 

Love from Austria. 

I wish I could switch off from work (even on holiday) but alas...like so many...my work seems to be the one thing I can't shake.

Have tried with soooo many different methods but to no avail. 

I think i might have to do a vow of silence for at least a week the next time i go on holiday...maybe then my brain will shut off, too. 

The best way to promote on Pinterest 3rd October 2014 4:37 PM

I am still really confused by Pinterest! I just don't quite understand how to get the boards up and running. I think I'm just too old (at 28)!!! Technology seems to be better suited for the teens nowadays, I need a manual to get through my facebook. lol

You know, it doesn't really matter what the product is unless it relates in some way to a.) your business and b.) it's useful to the end-consumer, i.e. your customers! No use in giving them a salad serving spoon which will only lie around in their drawer (although maybe if you had a cooking school that wouldn't be such a bad idea). 

There are sooo many great online promotional product websites out there, make sure you read their blogs as they can provide valuable insight and help with your decision making.