
LinkedIn Fake Profiles 13th March 2017 1:16 PM

For anyone familiar with LinkedIn, it appears to be a good way of keeping in touch with past colleagues or even connecting to people worldwide who have similar work experience/interests.

However, it seems that LinkedIn contains a number of fake profiles.  Over the weekend one of my contacts in the USA received a connection request from a high-ranking member of the US Military.   As he knows this person very well, he knew instantly it was a fake profile.   I also received a connection request last Friday from a well-known airline pilot.  A few things made me suspicious.  No profile picture, his flying experience was dated from the day he was born and what little info there was contained grammar and spelling mistakes.   There's no way he would have posted something so unprofessional.....

If anyone asks to connect with me, I have a look at their profile first before accepting or rejecting.  I frequently "cull" my connections; it's a shame that LinkedIn does not recognise I don't want to know what these people are doing anymore and keeps offering to reconnect frequently.

This request had already been posted on the Business Traveller forum, where it got similar responses but didn't generate much interest.

A former boss told me about a colleague who did a similar thing.

Faced with 300+ e-mails on his return from holiday, he deleted them all then waited to see if anyone chased him for a response.  He had 3 follow-ups.

Washing machine finally fixed this morning by E&C Domestic Appliances based in Walsall.

Quoted £48 for supply and fit of new rubber door seal and the two clamps to hold it in place.  Arrived early (always good).  Very polite and didn't mind me watching.  Took about 15 minutes.  only hiccup was misunderstanding about card payments but took a cheque.  Appears only takes cards in shop due to problems with getting a GPS signal for mobile payments.  Clear invoice and 5% discount card attached for any future purchase/repair.  

Very impressed!

Washing Machine Repairer wanted 9th March 2017 10:54 AM

Washing machine sorted; will post review.

One minor misunderstanding.  He didn't take "mobile" card payment but took a cheque.  Machine now on and working properly.  Asked one company for a quote and their latest e-mail suggested I had removed one of the retaining clamps and destroyed it.  My reply was how could I when I couldn't even see it and surprise, I have now given the job to someone else.  Their loss!!

Happy International Women's Day! 8th March 2017 1:15 PM

Today is supposed to be the day for recognising not only the contributions made by women, but also to eradicate the inhumanity shown towards women in other parts of the world.

On Sky News this morning, there was a report from Nigeria about the girls forced to join Boka Haran who are subjected to rape by their so-called husbands or brainwashed into becoming suicide bombers.  The report was presented by Alex Crawford, an award-winning female journalist who manages to combine this role and have a family.   I appreciate that what happens to these girls is a result of cultural differences which will take a long time to change, if they ever do.  Although it is a difficult subject to address, I thought the recent episode of Call the Midwife handled the subject of FGM very well.

Thankfully so far today I have managed to avoid webinars by "the sisterhood" who charge a lot of money telling us we can have it all.  However, a lot of women feel inadequate when they can't measure their own success in the number of designer dresses/shoes/handbags on display at these events.


Rebecca, thought you would appreciate that one!  

Scams 7th March 2017 1:39 PM

If you've never received these calls you are very lucky.  There is now a new variation on the theme from two different supposed sources.

Last Friday I was called by someone from "Microsoft Technical Centre" advising my computer was under attack.  Instead of telling me which buttons to press, he wanted to give me the contact details for "Microsoft Service Centre in London" who would be able to sort the problem out.  He wouldn't shut up and started shouting at me when I told him he was a crook.  Last number barring was put to good use.

It appears that TalkTalk customers have been contacted by scammers allegedly from TT, who are also advising to contact a different TT department.  The calls originate in India and the call centre scripts have been given to the UK media by the whistle-blowers.  

Finally, if you think the days of the letter scam have gone since the advent of e-mail, sorry to disappoint.  My aunt recently received a letter from someone working for a Hong Kong bank, offering her a share of a deceased person's wealth before the government got their hands on it.  

Washing Machine Repairer wanted 7th March 2017 1:26 PM

Well, I've finally found someone willing to travel six miles to fix it.   He even called me when ordering the parts to ask if I was willing to pay for next day delivery as he had to order them.  Next call will be to arrange fitting.  He takes cards too!

At £48 for the whole job, I think I've got a good deal but proof will be in how good he is.  Will post a review.  

Now to sort out TV.  Keep getting colour blocks scrolling across the screen.  I think it's a tuning problem but you can't just twiddle a knob on these new ones.  Problem seems worse when it's raining but have noticed that when new neighbours move in and have cable connected I also get this problem.  No outdoor aerial, maybe one in loft just isn't good enough any more.  Very frustrating as I can see local mast from patio.  Bought an indoor signal amplifier, doesn't seem to do anything so that's going back.....

Washing Machine Repairer wanted 3rd March 2017 1:56 PM

Can anyone recommend a reliable washing machine repairer in the North Birmingham area.  The seal has split on mine and don't fancy doing it myself.  Tried once before on previous machine but had to get neighbour to fit the metal clamp ring which nearly took our fingertips off!

I've had one quote so far but he's said the cost is "about", gave the bits different (unrecognisable) names and the e-mail was full of errors so I'm a bit wary.  Still waiting for another company to respond.  No way am I going to where I bought the machine as they want £149 for the job, on a machine I bought from them three years ago for £189.....