For anyone familiar with LinkedIn, it appears to be a good way of keeping in touch with past colleagues or even connecting to people worldwide who have similar work experience/interests.
However, it seems that LinkedIn contains a number of fake profiles. Over the weekend one of my contacts in the USA received a connection request from a high-ranking member of the US Military. As he knows this person very well, he knew instantly it was a fake profile. I also received a connection request last Friday from a well-known airline pilot. A few things made me suspicious. No profile picture, his flying experience was dated from the day he was born and what little info there was contained grammar and spelling mistakes. There's no way he would have posted something so unprofessional.....
If anyone asks to connect with me, I have a look at their profile first before accepting or rejecting. I frequently "cull" my connections; it's a shame that LinkedIn does not recognise I don't want to know what these people are doing anymore and keeps offering to reconnect frequently.