
Acer Recovery 20th April 2012 8:27 AM
Ive being trying to recover my Acer Aspire PC but it doesn
PC Help 16th April 2012 9:40 AM
It all seems to be working, The issue with the xp disc was I was hoping to use it as a live disc

This isnt the case anymore and i have managed to get the data I just want to factory it
PC Help 16th April 2012 9:25 AM
Small update, I managed to use a linux live disc to get on and get all the data, but still haven't managed to do a factory restore of the pc
Bing to Facebook 16th April 2012 9:23 AM
Some quite interesting news came to light on twtter today that Bing might be sold to Facebook, now if this happens I guess it would be a massive deal breaker and % changer for the battle of the engines

Rumor of the day: Microsoft To Swap Bing For Facebook Shares Foo forum at WebmasterWorld
PC Help 12th April 2012 7:47 AM
I was wondering if you can help I have an Acer aspire PC and on Tuesday it booted up and asked me to insert my windows disc due to a recent change it needed to repair itself.

I inserted the disk and it went back to the same error on re-booting my pc it loaded up XP and then asked me for a serial code which I don
Promotional Clothing 17th February 2012 1:07 PM

I am looking to have some promotional clothes printed in very small amounts and was wondering if anyone could help?

I am looking for

4xT-shirts (White&Pink Text)

1x T-Shirt (White & Green)

1xT-shirt (Grey&Green)

2 Hoodies (Pink, White & Grey)

1 Hoody White & Green

1 hoody Grey & Green

I have all the designs just need printing
Final Company Ideas 25th January 2012 10:02 AM
AT the moment

3rd - Free SEO Report
2nd - 1 Months SEO
1st -
Final Company Ideas 25th January 2012 9:05 AM
HI All

As you might be aware I was looking to start a small agency based online and I have now got some ideas and was wondering if people could go and make a comment on the best one they like or any suggestions they might have.

Comapny Name | Online Marketing Birmingham | West Midlands SEO | Kevin Wiles Digital Consulant
Which one and Why 3rd January 2012 1:24 PM
Hi All,
I am wondering which of the below people like the most and if none why not? When you think of each one what does it bring into your mind?
BubbleBurn, Tickletoad, DazzleDucks
Thanks for the advice, yeh I am really struggling to think of a name which represents me I want it to be along the lines of Fresh egg, Koozai and companies alike