
Barclay Card's stick on credit card! 20th April 2012 2:42 PM
This bothers me as I'm not sure about the security implications either.

It's already hard enough to protect against fraud without making it easier for the criminals to ply their trade.

Whatever happened to the technology that was being heralded as the fraud proof method of payment a few years ago, where when you purchased an item you needed to leave a thumb print scan.

Now that was a good idea.
Actually for me it's not about money, or about the product, it's more about the lifestyle and the satisfaction I get from building something that will outlive me.
I've worked as an employee and been relatively successful at it, but could never get away from the feeling that it was meaningless. For as long as I can remember I've had a driving ambition to create my own little empire.
When your home is your office 18th April 2012 2:57 PM
I find it reasonably easy to work from home since my wife and son are away all day and an empty house has less to distract me than a busy office.

However during the school holidays they are both at home and I find it almost impossible to get much work done.
Motivation 18th April 2012 2:46 PM
All your points plus 2 more.

I like to discuss my ideas with my wife and my father. Although my wife has been nothing but supportive in all my 'schemes' she simply can't see the 'vision' as I can and my father is the most negative person I know.

Arguing my case with them is a great way to get fired up.

The other way is what I call the stick. I had a business go down the tubes during the last recession in the '90's and the resultant misery was unbearable. If I find myself losing focus or momentum, I remember how my family suffered then and it always motivates me to work harder.
Business Grants 18th April 2012 2:37 PM
Thank you for your input.
I had already found the top two suggestions however the Kickstarter link is really useful for a different project I'm working on to build an mmo.
Business Grants 7th April 2012 7:55 PM
Thanks for the input guys.

Linda, unfortunately the local chamber of commerce didn't have much info for me, but I had never heard of the Dept of Innovation and Business Skills. Their website has some useful info under enterprise and business support. Thanks for the tip.

Lion, I have spoken to my local business link on the phone and have an appointment to see them next week, but they seem to think there is nothing available at the moment.
Business Banners 6th April 2012 9:54 AM
I've not bought any banners myself, but I did have occassion to look a while ago.

These people do everything you can think of
Vehicle Signs - Magnetic Signs - Banners - Stickers - Stands

But I think this is a great deal
Special Offer Buy the banner and get the Display System FREE
Business Grants 5th April 2012 10:04 PM
I have a new project that will be ready to go by May 1st and I thought as I'm going to be employing people from day one I'd apply for a government grant to assist with the start up.

I've spent hours looking for information but can't seem to get anywhere.

Does anyone know of a company or organisation that can assist with grant applications?

Any help will be very much appreciated.
The critics have been wrong before.

They said Waterworld and The Postman were rubbish but I thoroughly enjoyed them both. Mind you I'm strange.
UK Budget today... 5th April 2012 9:33 PM
I almost couldn't be bothered to type a contribution here, I'm that fed up with successive governments and their don't change anything in case we upset someone approach. But since I'm too stubborn to stop flogging even if the horse is dead I'll post.

It's obvious to me and most of the people I interact with that we need some radical action to give the economy and the country the kick in the pants it needs to pull out of recession.
But, perhaps more importantly, we also need to address the rot that has set in even before the current troubles.

Here are my 5 top tips to the goverment to make a better Britain.

1. Lower tax on fuel. Our fuel costs increase the price of virtually every commodity in Britain, fuelling inflation and taking money away from peoples already overstretched finances. I know a few people in my rural area who are considering giving up work because the cost of getting there is taking such a large slice of their disposable income it doesn't seem worth the hassle. They don't seem to realise that everything they buy in their local supermarket is also delivered by road, from businesses that had to have the raw materials delivered by road. In factories and farms that rely on fuel for heat, light and power for the machines they use. The government are raking it in and should be ashamed.

2. Remove the employers NI contribution for businesses turning over less than