I am having an all colours event on Facebook. 10% off selected greeting cards.
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Recent Posts Its Black Friday!! 25th November 2016 7:54 PM Goodbye BHS 1st September 2016 5:11 PM I worked for Bhs in Reading in the 1980's. Back then it was a lovely company to work for. I think Phillip Green should be throughly ashamed of himself. All those loyal workers who went to work every day to keep those stores open and running, helping to pay for the lavish lifestyle he has given himself. He should be made to pay compensation to all those hardworking staff. Small Business and the EU referendum - what do you think? 27th November 2015 12:15 PM Your right Steve I believe you hold the views of the majority of people in this country. I don't think Cameron will get all the changes he wants. I also don't agree with what Nick Clegg said, claiming if we leave we will end up with billy no mates. This is an insult to our friends in the Commonwealth who have stood by us through two horrible World Wars, can't see them dropping us as friends if we leave the EEC.
You are right too Steve about the immigration in Europe, bound to have an effect on people's decision on the vote on Europe. Small Business and the EU referendum - what do you think? 26th November 2015 8:44 PM I am European but don't like the fact we have a veto. If we are in then let's be in 100% no more sitting on the sidelines. We should be working alongside France and Germany as a major player in Europe. Even taking on the Euro. But sadly the majority of people don't want this country to be fully in. Well what's the point then. My view is we are either fully in or we leave. No more messing about.
Sunday Trading Laws - is it time to move on? 26th November 2015 6:20 PM We now do all our grocery shopping online and arrange to have it delivered at a time that is convient to us. If Sunday trading laws are scrapped I just hope staff are protected. At Xmas shops use to close for three days longer if Xmas fell on a weekend now staff only get Xmas day off. As more more people shop online in fact more goods are bought online in the UK than in any other country in the World, do we really need our shops to be open 7 days a week? Is offering a free product a good way to generate more business? 10th September 2015 8:03 PM I have approached 15 of my customers with the offer. I will see next week if they have got any extra orders for me. I won't loose these customers as they are loyal and have become friends, some inviting me into their homes for a cuppa and chat. They are as passionate about Phoenix cards as I am. A funny thing happened to me 15th August 2015 5:00 PM How many times have each of said that. When I worked in a hotel me and a waitress had to take the breakfast tray to the honeymoon suite. The guy opened the door, all he had was a small towel wrapped around him. As he went to take the tray, the towel fell to the floor, he stood there completely naked! All he said was whoops and took the tray and closed the door. Me and waitress giggled all the way back to the kitchen saying to each other ' you looked didn't you' 'no you looked' oh what fun. Should the anti gay brigade in the USA be allowed so much air time? 11th August 2015 5:04 PM Thanks Barny. Liked your comments at the end about your wife grabbing your hand. Should the anti gay brigade in the USA be allowed so much air time? 11th August 2015 10:34 AM I agree with everything you said Steve, 100%. i also believe it will take another couple of generations, even now the younger generations are more open. I remember some youngsters I worked with a few years ago, asking me if me and Andrew are getting married, this was way before the law changed, I said well we can't as gays aren't allowed to, they couldn't believe it, saying but that's rubbish! So yes future generations I am sure will be more acceptable and more open of others. I also saw that Question Time Steve, and yes your right it showed Nick Giffin in his true light for the World to see. So the media can help enlighten people. The struggle off equality in the World continues. A gay couple were attacked in the Ukraine for holding hands, and the gay pride event in Iseral was attacked by a guy with a knife. Even here in the UK me and Andrew would feel uncomfortable holding hands in public or showing any sort of affection in public. So yes another couple of generations will should get there.
What Are You Listening To Now? 11th August 2015 10:24 AM She won American X Factor Steve, so many years ago. Like her though, she has a nice voice. |