Small Business and the EU referendum - what do you think?

By sjr4x4 : Administrator
Published 25th September 2015 | Last comment 16th December 2015

Personally I think the issues over migration, border controls or rather lack of them, not to mention the recent atrocities in Paris, will make the majority of UK vote no. There is nothing wrong with a Common Market so that we can all trade on an equal footing, it's everything else that being part of the EU gets up peoples backs and we have no control over it. And it is no good Cameron saying he's going to renegotiate our terms with the EU... Too little to late now... Even some of the other EU countries are now beginning to close their open borders policies... 


I am European but don't like the fact we have a veto. If we are in then let's be in 100% no more sitting on the sidelines.”

It's an interesting point, maybe a lot is to do with personal perception in where we are in the world, possible lingering legacy of our fairly recent history (and living memory for a lot of people), with passed down views and opinions. 

Rightly or wrongly, I've never considered myself European, always British. I've no problem with Europe or Europeans, I just don't feel like a European.

I think the EU is important as a trading and economic club. But the thought of a single currency with it's implications and impact to members states as recently demonstrated by Greece, Italy etc is a step to far for me. Likewise some of the regulation, bureaucracy and the biggest sticking point, open borders and freedom of travel. It is clearly open to abuse, from terrorism to economic migrants and and with temp border restrictions in place for a number of Eurozone countries, I can see the open border concept ending.

There is, or was some support in certain quarters for a United States of Europe, with the single currency being the gel to glue it all together, and standardised regulation and economic controls. But Europe, East, West is too diverse. Our cultures are all different and we have our own identities. I like Europe as it is, independent, diverse but a powerful trading club we need to be a member of. I can see the point of closer military and security co-operation and partnerships, that makes sense, but not a federalised United States  

I hope Cameron manages to get the concessions he needs, but I think too many media images of migrants and doom and gloom has sealed our fate for the EU vote. What happens afterwards as a tiny country on our own remains to be seen 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Your right Steve I believe you  hold the views of the majority of people in this country. I don't think Cameron will get all the changes he wants. I also don't agree with what Nick Clegg said, claiming if we leave we will end up with billy no mates.  This is an insult to our friends in the Commonwealth who have stood by us through two horrible World Wars, can't see them dropping us as friends if we leave the EEC. 


You are right too Steve about the immigration in Europe, bound to have an effect on  people's decision on the vote on Europe. 


I would stay solely due to my business, short and to the point


john connelly coaches 

According to the British Chambers of Commerce, if an in-out referendum were to be held tomorrow, 63% of businesspeople would vote to remain in the European Union, 27% would vote to leave, and 10% are unsure.  Yet fully 50% said their vote could change depending on David Cameron’s renegotiation package.

Source: British Chambers of Commerce

It's interesting that one of the key debate issues, open borders and the freedom of movement, something the UK has been arguing against, is now under attack from within the EU itself! It seems every day we see new fences going up and "temporary" border controls getting implemented across EU countries, admittedly at the extreme reaches of the EU.

I wonder if the current migrant crisis will actually strengthen the UK's hand in the EU reform discussions, or give us more bargaining power?

With a small business head on, how would you vote if there was a referendum tomorrow?

Do you think we should leave and go it alone, or stay in the EU but continue to try and change from within?

Are you of the 50% that could be swayed either way depending on how effective Camerons negotiations are?”




If the Daily Mail readers have anything to do with it.... We'll be out


If the Daily Mail readers have anything to do with it.... We'll be out

What's wrong with Daily Mail readers? hmmmffff!

My views & opinions are my own

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