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JoinedOct 2014
Latest activity 17th Mar 2018 11:13am  

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Sporting events and alcohol consuming 17th March 2018 11:13 AM

I didn’t know that. So is that specific for sporting events or generally you cant drink on coaches?

So its the end of Toys R Us, such a shame. I saw on the news stores are closing down with all closing over the next 6 weeks. Maybe some last minute bargains?

Yet another brand we will reminise about inthe future. Maybe its full circle and the rebirth of the smaller independants?

Spray and Pray 17th March 2018 10:57 AM

I hate signing up with recrutment agencies, spray and pray seems to be the norm, followed by years of irrelevant untargeted spam 

Positive energy 28th September 2017 11:49 AM

I'm a big believer in positive thought but also think kids ground you and make you appreciate whats really important. Now where are those tea leaves?

Whoops apologies from me, been a bit busy! Have spoken to a few friends recently about this and the consensus was nobody seems  to bother with a covering letter anymore. 

Wonder how long it will be before Mr Trump tires of this and moves on to something else.......”

Looking at Twitter over the weekend it seems to be poor old Sadiq Khan. As if he didn't have anything more important to worry about.

Bulldogs driving me Bonkers 5th June 2017 5:01 PM

All sounds very exciting, how did Brighton go?

How big was your sample or is it anecdotal? I would advise people to use a covering letter but maybe the worlds moved on?

Review Widget 5th June 2017 4:50 PM

We recently launched the review widget on Trusted Trader and it has been very well received. Most review platforms offer similar widgets and they do work so take advantage of them. Gamed reviews are obvious and professional sites will pick these up.

GP Appointments...... 19th January 2017 9:43 AM

I know GP's and the NHS get continual bad press but other than nosy receptionists we seem to be quite lucky locally.