
Logo's that lose... Leads!!! 25th August 2010 2:58 PM
we've had quite a lot of feedback (since asking for a web site review in a few places) that our logo is rubbish (as well as other things that could be much improved on our web site).

that doesn't seem to stop us selling our software, but given that just about everyone who has voiced an opinion on our web site has said "your logo is rubbish", it shows that the logo is quite an important consideration when looking at a web site.

needless to say we are already working on a new logo so if you read this and think we have a fantastic logo then you're probably looking at the new one

and it will be interesting to see how a new logo (as well as the other changes to the web site) affects sales.


and here's the hall of fame

strangely, ours doesn't appear in it


here's an earlier attempt of ours... but it needs a lot of work and probably not interesting enough to most people to be spread around...

YouTube - Amphis Customer - create quotes in 30 seconds

...unless you spend a lot of time creating quotes


here's one that seemed to work ok

YouTube - IKEA - Facebook showroom


Contact database 13th April 2010 2:26 PM
you can download a free 30 day trial here

the free trial restricts you to 30 days and creating 30 customers but otherwise it's the full software package.

if you go ahead and purchase a license we just send you a license string to enter. you don't need to reinstall or reconfigure anything
we're hearing that support and licenses for PC users of MYOB in the UK will end within the next 2 years.

we're working on supporting import of customer details from MYOB into our contacts database / CRM software package Amphis Customer and for a limited time we are offering a 50% discount on our software to businesses using MYOB who are willing to trial importing MYOB records into Amphis Customer.
Contact database 13th April 2010 1:48 PM
for anyone interested in becoming an affiliate of Amphis Software (it's free and there's no obligation to do anything)

CRM Software Reseller and Affiliate information

we're happy to help you create the links and explain anything in more detail.

why not earn some money from your web site links or your emails ?
Michel Taride is president of Hertz International, the car hire company.

His keys to success are passion and commitment. He advises entrepreneurs to discover what they like and then dedicate themselves to it.

You can see more here BBC News - My Bottom Line: Michel Taride says "Be passionate"
Contact database 11th April 2010 1:58 PM
we would, of course, recommend our very own Amphis Customer contacts database / CRM Software which supports the following :-

contact details
mail merge
notes on customers

and also

job sheets
customer letters
marketing documents
customer history
attached files eg scanned in documents
custom fields
built-in reports
custom reports
single user or multi-user
integration with Outlook
email templates for standard emails and replies
supports any single currency

you can download a free 30 day trial from our web site

we don't charge for upgrades, you get future versions for free. also, email support is free. there is no monthly or yearly fee, all you pay is a one-off fee of :-

single user
According to a Forrester report, 86 per cent of 4559 people who took part in a survey were happy with Windows 7.

But 43 per cent of respondents still using Windows XP said they could see no reason to upgrade to Windows 7.

"The biggest competitor to Windows 7 isn't the Mac," said the report. "It's Windows XP."