
Expose Yourself 5th October 2010 10:03 AM
never one to turn down free advertising :-)

I've registered on your site, though I wasn't able to login - I got a 404 page not found. also the contact page title is Rick. also I get a certificate error "There is a problem with this website's security certificate"


So are you ready for Google TV? 1st October 2010 10:28 PM
now you can customize your TV as well as displaying web pages along with films and television, music and photos.

so now we have Sky vs FreeView vs FreeSat vs Apple TV vs Google TV.

interesting times ahead.......

PCs will boot up in seconds.... 1st October 2010 9:06 PM
25 year old BIOS to be replaced at last. originally intended to only be used on about 250,000 PCs.

BBC News - Change to 'Bios' will make for PCs that boot in seconds

robot parks cars in Birmingham 29th September 2010 8:19 PM
I like the sound of this... secure parking, parked by robot

BBC News - Cars 'park themselves' in Birmingham Cube complex

Getting more visits to my website 24th September 2010 10:53 AM
the first thing I would do is change your page titles. for improved SEO, they need to start with the words that people will use to search for your services in google.

so probably your titles should start with "hats" or "hat" or "headwear", in fact I'd put the word "hat" in every title twice. put your business name at the end of the title not the start. people who don't know your business won't be searching for your business name.

(by title I mean the bit between the title tags <title></title> in the html header that gets displayed at the top of the browser )

I hope that helps


Neat SEO reporting tool for your website 23rd September 2010 4:32 PM
thanks, that's a really useful tool (and free).

it even lists your html headings and tells you to just use one <H1> for best SEO, as well as checking links from social media sites. nice.

also gives a mark out of 100 so you can tweak a few things and see if you can improve your score.
Best and worst concerts 10th September 2010 3:56 PM
Best: Madonna (80s), REM, Jean-Michelle Jarre (Docklands), Depeche Mode, Tina Turner.

Worst: Madonna (2000ish)

Emails - Just Me? 30th August 2010 12:00 AM
I've got about 4000 emails in my Inbox and I feel better for it now.

worth remembering that deleting emails doesn't actually reclaim any space until you click Compact Now

amphis software - news and thoughts on software, CRM and databases: Outlook not responding


Logo's that lose... Leads!!! 27th August 2010 3:15 PM
yes, I agree, your logo looks great, friendly, welcoming, I wouldn't change it.


what is a web 2.0 web site ? 27th August 2010 2:42 PM
to me, web 2.0 is blogs, wikis, youtube etc where I can interact with the site and add information or upload comments or videos rather than just viewing someone else's information. and to some extent the technologies like Ajax so the screen doesn't completely refresh (and flash) every time I click a button.

so what makes a web site a web 2.0 site ? if it isn't one that I can interact with ? is it just big buttons and big icons ?

can anyone give examples of a site that is web 2.0 and one that isn't and say exactly what would make the non-web 2.0 site into a web 2.0 site ?

and if you are thinking of buying something online and you click a link and get to a web site that doesn't look like a 2.0 web site, do you think "Oh no, it doesn't look like a web 2.0 site so I'm not buying anything from them ?"

would be great to hear people's views.

