Emails - Just Me?

By : Senior Entrepreneur
Published 26th August 2010 |
Read latest comment - 4th September 2010

I use outlook for my emails and never delete any that I deem to have needed, my outlook shows I have 5500 emails (many with attachments) some date back around 5 years.

By nature I do not keep stuff but when it comes to emails I think what if I need to refer back to it.

How long do you keep emails for?

I am currently holding 20097 emails in my Outlook inbox.

Do you think I have a problem with "letting go"?

Holborn Direct Mail
020 8683 7155

Makes me feel better I am a lightweight!


lol, I emptied my deleted folder this morning which had over 4000 in it.

Pretty ruthless these days, any current or favourite suppliers I keep the important notes and dump into a folder structure, but any that fall by the wayside, I archive, then have a good clean up about once a year.

Once anything is actioned from the inbox, I normally just delete it, gives me a straightforward to do list

Reality is, old email is like the hundreds of links you used to keep in your browser favourites, seemed a good idea at the time, but you'll never look at them again

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Yes, that reminds me, I must empty out my ruck-sack that is my "Bookmarks".

Holborn Direct Mail
020 8683 7155

Well it would appear from the numbers above I am fine, it's the rest of you that need help


I've got about 4000 emails in my Inbox and I feel better for it now.

worth remembering that deleting emails doesn't actually reclaim any space until you click Compact Now

amphis software - news and thoughts on software, CRM and databases: Outlook not responding




I've got 8526 archived to now, going back to March 2007.


forum avatarGuest
30th August 2010 1:30 PM
I have a good clear out once a year but my inbox is nearly always empty as I use folders to organise.

I don't have anything in my delete folder - it empties automatically when I exit outlook!

Got out the habit a bit now but always use to save important emails with attachments to an external hard drive to free up space - must start doing this one again

I don't have anything in my delete folder - it empties automatically when I exit outlook!

Had to stop that, if I'm working from home, takes an age over my ropey vpn connection with the office

Suppose I could set up profiles or something, but I'm lazy

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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