PCs will boot up in seconds....

By : Growing Business
Published 1st October 2010 |
Read latest comment - 5th October 2010

25 year old BIOS to be replaced at last. originally intended to only be used on about 250,000 PCs.

BBC News - Change to 'Bios' will make for PCs that boot in seconds


About time too!!

Now we just need less bloatware 64bit operating systems, and maybe fibre to the house

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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forum avatarKip FX Design
2nd October 2010 12:44 AM
Oh you mean just like a mac? lol

Oh you mean just like a mac? lol

you mean anorak?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

I wonder if they could sync it to a 24 hour clock?

So that when you're trying to fire up a lappie out of suspended mode at a client meeting at 3pm it's hit the spacebar, BAM, we're up and running...

But when it's 8am and you're sitting down with the first cup of tea of the day, it still gives you that nice gentle minute or two to stretch your arms, sip your cuppa and centre yourself for the morning's emails?

That said, it'll be fine as long as we don't go back to 2001. I remember a routine of arriving at the office, going straight to my desk to turn the computer on... THEN taking off my coat, going to make a cuppa, sorting through the post, listening to the answerphone messages, prioritising the post-it notes, by which time, maybe, if I was lucky, the PC would be in a position where it would consent to open up Outlook. Sometimes I forget how far things have come.


I remember a routine of arriving at the office, going straight to my desk to turn the computer on... THEN taking off my coat, going to make a cuppa, sorting through the post, listening to the answerphone messages, prioritising the post-it notes, by which time, maybe, if I was lucky, the PC would be in a position where it would consent to open up Outlook. Sometimes I forget how far things have come.

You mean things have moved on?

Laptop has more memory, Outlook looks a bit shiner, but still logon then go and make a coffee while it grinds away, synching and doing stuff...

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

forum avatarbox.co.uk
5th October 2010 6:23 PM
hehe dont forget the windows and adobe updates, that you are always sure you said to install the night before!!!!!!

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