Phone would RING, Emails would PING
I moved to Cornwall 2 years move. Running a business in Cornwall is very different to where i was based in Oxfordshire. In Oxfordshire as long as your website was on page 1 of google for your search terms that's all that mattered, the phone would RING, Emails would PING, then it was down to my sales skills after that. In Cornwall it is who you know, yes my website is on page 1 for my search terms, but Cornish people like to know you, to have you recommended, so networking is key, I have even won business, from chatting to a chap whilst waiting for waves whilst surfing. Every person to meet, chat to can be a potential new client.
I DONT need a website mate!
On contacting a plumber as his van still had Yahoo email address advertised. I asked him, why he did not have a website? I dont need one he said, i'm too busy already. Ok thats great I said, but what area of your business is more profitable? Fixing leaky taps or installing a new bathroom or replacing old boilers? He said, well because of logistics of Cornwall, if i could just fit new bathrooms i would be well happy.
My answer to him, was well we could build you a website that was focussed on generating enquiries for new bathrooms and boiler replacement.
He said WOW could you really...