
Keyword traffic estimator 30th November 2010 2:04 PM
Are you home-based?

Keyword traffic estimator 30th November 2010 12:13 PM
...Personally think flyers would be a winner...

I thought so because not all women use internet for searching hairdressers.
And obviously they would not think even about changing their current hairdresser until they get a flyer.
But unfortunately and surprisingly, flyers don't bring me any new customers.
Keyword traffic estimator 30th November 2010 12:06 PM
If you have done your own flyers and have no experience of graphic design and marketing skills (AIDA rule on your flyer for example) then you will not get a good response from using them. Without seeing it, it's hard to say what is wrong with the flyer if it brought you zero response.

Here are the two sides of the flyer attached:
Keyword traffic estimator 30th November 2010 11:52 AM
I did explain earlier on about broad results:

....meaning anthing that includes the 3 words of 'milton' 'keynes' 'hairdressers' in any order and within any same or longer phrase.

Keyword tools give you the option of checking results for broad, phrase and exact match. So, after you have done the search for your keyword in Google keyword tool, look in the left side column and you will see a tick box for broad, phrase and exact. Broad is ticked as default. Untick that and tick [exact] instead. The results will change and obviously be a lot lower. This is then the estimated monthly amount of searches on that exact keyword.

What is the defference between phrase and exact?
Keyword traffic estimator 30th November 2010 11:11 AM
I think the mistake you are making is looking at the broad match searches and thinking that the volume Google is showing you are number of searches for that exact keyword!

Looking at your keyword of hairdressers milton keynes and using the different keyword match types available in Google keyword estimator you get very different results.

Broad match - hairdressers milton keynes = 2400 monthly searches
Phrase match - "hairdressers milton keynes" = 590 monthly searches
Exact match - [hairdressers milton keynes] = 320 monthly searches

Hope that helps

This has just actually opened my eyes a little bit.

What is the difference between the Phrase match and the Exact match?
Keyword traffic estimator 30th November 2010 11:08 AM
Using the quotes operator, "hairdressers milton keynes" returns 4,260 UK results for me.

It is still 2400 for me in google and zero in keywordspy using the quotes.

If you then go to the bar at the bottom, and select page 8 of the results

If you are talking about the google keyword tool page, I only have two pages so I can't check page 8.
And also all the pages list result for different keywords and phrases close to the one you requested so the results would differ from one to another obviously. So I am not sure what you are talking about. Why do you need to go to page 8?

this then drops to 78 results

What do you mean?
What exactly drops? For which phrase?

Will confess to not really understanding why it does this, but this would leave me with the conclusion that this phrase wasn't that popular.

Don't know what you are talking about

hairdressers milton keynes"
Page 8 of 78 results (0.09 seconds)

I think it's because the original number includes everything, google images, news, discussions etc, even though the quotes operator is supposed to cut out the long tail results, I suspect it's not that effective.

Oh, I see, i did not take this into account
Would be good to know the way to check the actual number of searches in or .com rathen than including all you listed.

Ref Keyword Spy

The 2400 searches is the data sample it takes from Google, in this case it last collected data for this key phrase on the 25/11. As above, today, I'm seeing 4,260 searches across the whole index.

Where can you see this?

Ref your website not appearing in the organic list on keyword spy, the reason is your site isn't displaying at the top of the organic listings. Google is actually displaying your local places listing, which is different to your natural organic listing.

Before Google change the result page my website appeared at the top (not in google places), but purely as a website. At the same time if I went to google maps and typed hairdressers milton keynes there, my listing appeared under letter "J" which is far from the top. Actually, if I go to google maps now, it would do the same still. So my assumption is Google combined information from both, places and organic results and displays it that way in the search. I think this is the reason why my website is at the top there.

If you are seeing your actual site and not googles places listing at the top, then you may be seeing your own cached results.

I always log out my google account and clear all data in the browser before checking. So I dont think it is cached results. And again, before Google has changed the results page, my website was at the top, just below the map (places)

Food for thought, is "hairdressers milton keynes" your primary key phrase. Have you asked your customers what they would type into google? Anyone phoning up for an appointment, do you ask them how they heard of you, if google, then what did they type in?

I have tried that, it doesn't work. People don't remember what they type

Once you have a rough idea of the percentage of your customers search online, then you have a good idea how much effort it is worth putting into SEO, versus say more traditional leaflet dropping, cards in shop windows etc.

99% of my customers are from google
I have tried flyers and still trying and paid for adverts in local prints and stuff.
That does not work at all!
I have invested hundreds already for adverts and flyer distribution and spent weeks designing flyers and adverts using photoshop (which I knew nothing about) and the response is almost zero. so I find this waste of time and money.
All my customers find me in google, so it has to be my focus.

Another option is to follow the recent advice here and look in to Facebook.
But this is something I have got to learn about because all I can do there at the moment is only a user level basic things.
Keyword traffic estimator 30th November 2010 9:22 AM
Lina, keyword wise, I use

I have just tried it and it came back with the same number 2400
It says: Search Volume: 2,400/mo

So does it mean there are 2400 searches a month or what?

And another question, why does my website not appear there at all?
Keyword traffic estimator 30th November 2010 9:18 AM
2,400 people are not searching on the keyword 'hairdressers milton keynes' - that's as easy as I can summarise it.

Every key phrase has its own results, some better, some worse. They are not all the same; e.g.

'hairdresser milton keynes' and 'hairdressers milton keynes' is 2 different keywords thus you would get 2 different sets of results despite being singular and plural there can be big differences in the results in many cases.

Yes this is clear.
That is why I do not undestand why 2400 is not for a particlar phrase when it actually is.
I have different numbers for each phrase

Here are some examples:

hairdressers in milton keynes 720
hairdresser in milton keynes 140
hair in milton keynes 720
hair salons in milton keynes 110

So "hairdressers milton keynes" is the one I am focusing on since it shows the biggest number. 2400

Now, I do not understand when you say this is split in to all kewords within the phrase. Again, it does not make sense to me because all the above contain the same keywords but it looks like the results are shown by the whole phrase since the numbers of searches are far different from one to another
Keyword traffic estimator 29th November 2010 4:50 PM
It actually does not make sense to me, because if I type other similar phrases including the same keywords, the number of searches changes in the google's tool.
For example hairdressers in milton keynes or near milton keynes would generate less figures.

If I only include Milton Keynes, the figure would jump above the scale
So I think it relates to the actual phrase

Anyway I can't make sense of what you are saying indizine

And you are right, the 300/months is any type of the site visit, not necesseraly from organic search but could also be a direct domain type in the address
Keyword traffic estimator 29th November 2010 3:43 PM
Steve, MK is not that big

30 clicks would definitely be pretty good if there were 50 searches of the keyword.

Anyway the google's keyword tool shows 2400 searches for "hairdressers milton keynes" monthly which means there are 2400 searches doesn't it?

If yes, all 2400 see my website but do not click on it
And this is where my concern is