I contacted you by email a little while ago but didn't get a response - go away!

By : Administrator
Published 16th February 2016 |
Read latest comment - 17th February 2016

Anyone else seeing a growing trend in these emails?

Dear Steve,

I contacted you by email a little while ago but didn't get a response.

<insert annoying sales pitch here>

The reason you didn't get a response was because I deleted it 

The text is pretty much the same on numerous recent emails, so I suspect it's some annoying automated spam mail sender.

LinkedIn is another which seems to be using a similar tactic. You get a new connection, with the inevitable spammy sales pitch, then a follow up telling you never responded to the first message.

Right, Tuesday morning moan over...

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Sadly yes ,I get loads of these saying we can help with your seo etc etc ,then  few days later we tried to contact you etc etc.. They go straight into the bin

Andy-C | Pewter World

I find the junk button avoids receiving this kind of email ;)

Yep, 5 a day without fail across 4 different emails. Those seo people are so annoying!!! 

Tom Buckland
SEO Consultant

Oooof I totally agree. What a bore. If they didn't grab your attention the first time it's unlikely they will the second! 

Tuesdays are always bad in my opinion, every since double maths, clarinet and double games at school. 

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