Online Business finally comes of age....

By sjr4x4 : Administrator
Published 28th October 2010 | Last comment 28th November 2010
I am only going after clients that come and find us....this is constantly changing and evolving.

The cynical me thinks that some of this online lark is also driving down prices. I suppose it works in both way.

I don't blame you. I did a post the other day about the internet moving out of the frontier mentality, as it becomes an established market place.

There's still a mindset that everything on the internet is free, but people are finally waking up that you get what you pay for.

I had a call last week from a bloke moaning at me because his free listing had been on page 2 of Google for months, and when would it be on page 1. As he wasn't happy, I offered to remove his listing You really can't please everyone...

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Yes, good to see that the online market is growing more and more. I certainly think that online consumers are growing more discerning but I don't think that's a bad thing.
Online businesses should be just as professional as online businesses and as always in the business world the businesses that provide the best and most efficient services should prosper (hopefully).


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