Small companies more innovative than large companies?

By MontiC : Growing Business
Published 25th March 2011 | Last comment 31st August 2011
forum avatarTheBlogshop
17th July 2011 7:24 PM
Looking at it from the perspective of a larger organization, they often have less time to be innovative as they have a brand reputation to maintain, whereas a small business can effectively be as innovative as they want to be as their brand isn't as established.

It's similar to why a new band's first album is often better than an established band's fourth or fifth album - the new band have had years to write their first album, so they can afford to make mistakes and rectify them before the final product goes out, whereas the established band has to, in theory, put out an album that they know their fans are going to want to hear, irrelevant of how innovative it is (or isn't).

One thing I do like about dealing with small business is that they can remember who you are. I don't mind paying a bit more if I feel that someone knows me and understands at least a little about my requirements.

You never get that with the faceless large corporates.


forum avatarfurniture4kids
1st August 2011 1:47 PM
in small companies, communication has no barriers, this helps them to improve

forum avatarwillbound
31st August 2011 9:02 AM
This is a very subjective question but I would like to point out that it can be possible that SMEs are more innovative than large corporations. SMEs are more inclined to push beyond their limits and experiment new ways since they have the least to lose. MNCs on the other hand are hesitant to explore new avenues since they do want to stick with what they already have. As long as such innovations can land you in front of targeted prospects, then it would be worth risking.


forum avatarBusiness Minds
31st August 2011 9:34 AM
Yes I feel small companies are definitely more creative and experimental than large companies. They have the freedom to change the rules and plan a team building activities.
Larger companies have a lot of boundary.
Small company has the benefit of interacting with their clients personally.
They also can provide small profits to the customer and even customize their way of working, to make sure their relationship are well maintained.
You cannot expect that in big firms.

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