What is Professionalism?

By : Growing Business
Published 27th March 2011 |
Read latest comment - 2nd September 2011

Professionalism has four characteristics:

1. Wedded to an organized body of knowledge
2. Following a group- or self-enforced code of conduct
3. Continuously learning
4. Treating client interest over self interest

All great professions' professionals are known by the above. These are also very helpful in companies growth too.

Agreed. I would like to add:
- Faces self honestly.
- Behaves unselfishly
- Thinks before reacting
- Presents the theoretical foundation of ideas and actions
- Strives toward self-improvement
- always goes with a can-do attitude

Bliss Felton

I agree. I recently started learning about and working on internet marketing and I have to say I cannot believe the amount of people that ignore many of the rules either set by the industry or the search engines they are trying so hard to rank well in. It's made Google take a closer look at their algorithms and leaves us ethical IM's working harder to gain our ultimate goals.

For me, my work is done ethically, which means black hat and spamming are a HUGE no no. I believe in quality over quantity, which has served me well so far. I think which hurts the most is looking at the work done by the dark side and seeing how it impacts our work and how much harder we have to work to surpass them.

Key factors I believe should be a part of every IM's work is:
  • Honesty,
  • Humility,
  • Benevolence, and
  • Honor,

This reflects in your work, your reputation and the companies you work with.


I agree with all the point mention in above thread. But here are some points that should be asked yourself.
1. Do you live up to your commitments?
2. How do you behave with others.
3. Do your managers see you in the right light?
4. What


forum avatarmirudula
23rd May 2011 6:18 AM
The astronomer, whose name I have long forgotten, gave a 30 minute presentation that sent me out of this world and into another strange but very excited place. I can still remember this event because, although the visual display was out of this world, it was the astronomer who left a deep and lasting impression upon my young mind.

The astronomer, whose name I have long forgotten, gave a 30 minute presentation that sent me out of this world and into another strange but very excited place. I can still remember this event because, although the visual display was out of this world, it was the astronomer who left a deep and lasting impression upon my young mind.

That's really cool I have always been fascinated by astrologers. Did he/she have some interesting views on professionalism? What was the impression he/she made on you?


Good topic! I think understanding your target audience, what their challenges are, and what you can bring to the table to help them come to solutions is key, along with being able to communicate that in an effective way. People underestimate the importance of being prepared 360 degrees!


forum avatarJessicaS
27th June 2011 10:46 AM
I am Jessica.

What I have learnt from life is:
" Choosing the RIGHT among others, even if you didn't like it and avoiding or ignoring the WRONG, even if you like it."
I mean being RATIONAL is the biggest symptom of Professionalism.

forum avatarTheBlogshop
30th June 2011 10:47 PM
The one thing I'd consider to be the most important when it comes to professionalism is honesty.

There are of course numerous other aspects, many of which have been discussed here, but if you're honest, both to yourself in terms of your abilities and your customers in respect of what you can provide and deliver, it will provide a fantastic, professional base to build your business on.

The one thing I'd consider to be the most important when it comes to professionalism is honesty.

There are of course numerous other aspects, many of which have been discussed here, but if you're honest, both to yourself in terms of your abilities and your customers in respect of what you can provide and deliver, it will provide a fantastic, professional base to build your business on.

I have to agree here. If most of your company is built around white lies or untruths, you're not going to be very popular at all. Being open and honest and establishing that personal touch with clients is one of the best ways to be professional IMHO.


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