Dream Career/Profession

By MontiC : Growing Business
Published 2nd April 2011 | Last comment 1st September 2011
forum avatardouglas22
5th August 2011 11:37 AM
Military was my dream job. but now a days I am working as Junior Rookie Lifeguard

forum avatarBusiness Minds
1st September 2011 10:17 AM
Well my dream job is to be a good interior designer. Though Im trying to open a new business related to it, but trust me it is very difficult to convince people to like/buy your design.
Hoping people like my ideas and we can grow
But it is nice to see people sharing their dream job.

Hi Business Minds

Getting known and persuading enough comfortably off people it's worth parting with some dosh to get your design help will take more hard work than in most businesses.

Can you do deals with the regional newspapers and upmarket county magazines (you offer free design as a competition prize they run in return for free editorial about you and past design successes and for post-competion displays of the winner enjoying their beautiful new environment)?

I did some free career counselling sessions for journalists of regional papers and they "sold" the process in half-page features complete with photos in the middle of their papers. I also learnt a bit about how to pitch to journalists and how to ensure the deal benefited both sides.


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