Goodbye News of the World -hello Sunday Sun?

By : Administrator
Published 7th July 2011 |
Read latest comment - 19th July 2011

Well what a day!

For any non UK members, after a week of scandal and revelations of gutter journalism, one of the worlds oldest newspapers The News of the World was shutdown by its owner News International.

A cynical attempt to distance the rest of group from scandal, or a smokescreen while the BSKYB satellite channel bid goes through...

It's certainly rocked UK politics as the skeletons and corruption comes to light

BBC News - News of the World to close amid hacking scandal

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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It's awesome watching this unfold.

One particular element that's tickling me is the involvement of Hugh Grant. Actor, basically only plays one character, dated Liz Hurley, got caught out with a lady of negotiable affection in LA, not much else to know. Yet somehow in the last few months - albeit with a little help - has become an investigative journalist who manages to hold his nerve enough to collect useful evidence while wired, and then last night was on BBC Question Time outclassing the squirming politicians from *all* major political parties. Where the heck did that come from?

I also liked that the sub-editors of the Sun held a walk-out while the NotW employees were being addressed about their notice period. To the best of my knowledge that's about the classiest thing the Sun's ever done.

It was going to be "hello, Sunday Sun" anyway, although possibly not with the name change. Here's an article from June 28th, before all this broke, where News International cheerfully outlined in a press release their existing plans to integrate their weekday and Sunday titles at either end of the market.


It was going to be "hello, Sunday Sun" anyway, although possibly not with the name change. Here's an article from June 28th, before all this broke, where News International cheerfully outlined in a press release their existing plans to integrate their weekday and Sunday titles at either end of the market.

lol interesting, so they were laying the groundwork to dump a title then, sharing resources and cutting costs

Saw newsnight lastnight, old Hugh Grant really did steal the show. Interesting stuff coming out though, with the Murdoch private parties, and the goverment and shadow goverment attending. He really is a King maker

Think we will see lots of self righteous politicians distancing themselves from the scandal.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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So anybody buy a final copy?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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forum avatarOnlineTileShop
12th July 2011 3:37 PM
I think all of this whole thing is just a joke, how can a company get away with it so long? I know it will produce a lot of issues within the country

I bought the final copy have to say it was still like the old ones

I think the next to go will be the Sunday Times

I think all of this whole thing is just a joke, how can a company get away with it so long? I know it will produce a lot of issues within the country

I bought the final copy have to say it was still like the old ones

I think the next to go will be the Sunday Times

I'm thinking maybe the Sun?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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I'm thinking maybe the Sun?

Agree with Steve could be sun next.


Well it seems that a few multi billion dollar law suits are in the pipeline from all the hacking that has gone on.

So I think the shut down is just another bit of publicity. Better that than going bust due to law suits etc


forum avatarOnlineTileShop
13th July 2011 8:16 AM
The thing is they will start back up with new names and it will happen again, what is the UK coming to

So NewsCorp have withdrawn from the BSkyB bid, it does look like the Media Moguls wings have been truly clipped!

Think there's a few redfaces though from all parties, as no one seems to have come out of this very well Now we've been shown up publicly as a corrupt nation where politicians and police can be bought...

ahh well at least Italians will sympathise with us

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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