Asia's largest economy, Japan to be superceded by China!

By : Administrator
Published 1st February 2010 |
Read latest comment - 3rd February 2010

From Business Week:


Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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China is booming I find it all a bit confusing.
Commy capitalists Chairman Mao must be turing in his grave.

give it another few years and I reckon the red curtain will fall as western green eyed values of capitalism will creep and use the human rights act as its battering ram.


give it another few years and I reckon the red curtain will fall as western green eyed values of capitalism will creep and use the human rights act as its battering ram.

Ahh but thats where it gets interesting. If capitalist values start filtering through, then that will generate a larger welathier class, better educated, who will want more, which speeds up the cycle.

As more people become better off, infrastructure and facilities will need upgrading. So with massive investment needed, where does this come from, the private sector? Then the divide with the rest of the vast population will increase, as they see what they could have, which then causes unrest.

A wealthy china will generate some serious overheads, could be interesting times ahead.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Defo you have put my exact point into text dude.
Viv le revolution.


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