China new target for fast food brands

By : Administrator
Published 7th February 2012 |
Read latest comment - 5th March 2012

It seems the sterotype we may have of China is fading fast as the same familiar household names and brands most of us are familiar with are rolled out across China.

KFC and Pizza Hut are growing fast with 656 new restaurants and sales growth of 19%.
BBC News - China drives growth for KFC owner Yum

Maybe as globalization hits China, as it already has the rest of us, then there will be even more opportunities in the future. It will be interesting to see if market forces will dictate or force changes in the way China does business. Maybe even a toppling of the great Chinese Firewall?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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forum avatarelitebag
9th February 2012 12:34 PM
Although fast food in China is popular now ,but most people also know it is not healthy food ,so some of them have rejected this fast food now .

It is clearly going to be a growing market, just read this article about Starbucks opening it's first outlet in India (I can't believe they didn't have one already!)

That's a great sell, coffee to a nation of tea drinkers, mind you worked for the UK

Fair play to some of these global brands, I was always amazed to see McDonalds in India, bearing in mind cows are sacred, and couldn't resist going in one, only to be confronted with Mc Chicken burgers and Mc Currys. Other than the menu, it could have been an outlet anywhere in the world.

So as the youngsters get weened on Starbucks and McDonalds from Russia to China, all of a sudden the world seems a much smaller and familiar place. Fast food succeeds where diplomacy and politics fail!

Mind you, lets hope in 20 years we don't have 5 billion obese Chinese and Indians

Or maybe its a secret form of population control as all our life expectancy reduces and we croak it from heart attacks, saving government's around the world a fortune in old age benefits

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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the sheer size of china's population and their growing wealth makes it the ideal target for any consumer company


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