Petrol Stations running out of fuel as Government screws up!

By sjr4x4 : Administrator
Published 29th March 2012 | Last comment 2nd April 2012
That government minister was an absolute clot to say what he did. It's common knowledge that petrol's highly inflammable and you don't store highly inflammable substances in unsafe environments (which homes mostly are).

You wonder sometimes how stupid our political leaders actually are.

OK the lady who followed his advice should have known better. Poor lass, she's paid a high enough penalty for one stupid act.


Whatever the wrongs of the Government, what it also demonstrated was that certain sectors of the British public are easily misled, normally the greedy ones with 'I'm alright Jack' and sod everyone else attitude. Most people just carried on as normal. At the end of the day the only reason the pumps ran dry at certain fuel outlets was because of peoples greed.


Yeah, we caused the problem, if every one just carried on as normal this would not have happened, heard a few conspiracies as well, makes you wonder if there was actually going to be a strike or not hmm


forum avatarSpikNSpanCS
2nd April 2012 11:41 AM
It's been a few days now since the scare of the Petrol Strike and start of the panic buying and there's still no petrol in my local area, I only hope we get deliveries soon or small businesses like me won't be able to do our job, don't think the local bus company would fancy seeing me take on the hoover, cleaning products etc

Whatever the wrongs of the Government, what it also demonstrated was that certain sectors of the British public are easily misled...

and daft comments like keep your tank topped up really helped

Now we just have a higher volume of vehicles on each forecourt taking smaller amounts of fuel, but causing chaos.

Had a row with a private retailer yesterday after she admitted to hiking the price on her forecourt, and freely admitted she will put it up again if the strike goes ahead, justifying it by saying it's very tough at present for private fuel retailers!

Unlike the rest of us! Well sell up then and stop ripping us off

ahem.. mini rant over...

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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I don't have a problem with the forecourts after all they make very little on the sale of fuel, I think it's around the 5pence a litre mark. The reason 99.9% of all forecourts are now mini supermarkets selling everything from dirty mags to a pint of milk, is the fact they would have all closed years ago if they just relied upon fuel sales alone. If the forecourts take advantage of the current situation, well I guess thats business for you.... supply and demand etc..... they've got it and you want it! And I'm sure your 4x4 can take and burns a few litres... See ya could have gone electric could ya?


See ya could have gone electric could ya?

If only heavy caravan and kids paraphernalia would prob get me about 10 miles before the battery gave out...

Instead 10 miles cost about

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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