How franchising system is good for establish business?

By : Growing Business
Published 5th October 2012 |
Read latest comment - 14th January 2013

I am not satisfied with franchising system and i think it is not good for an establish business. What is your opinion?

Marry martin
I am not satisfied with franchising system and i think it is not good for an establish business. What is your opinion?

Why do you think its not good for an established business? There are many retailers that have made themselves iconic today, simply because there is a more than one branch in a town, in more countries in the world I can think of.


I am not satisfied with franchising system and i think it is not good for an establish business. What is your opinion?

As Dreamraven says, franchising is an extremely successful model.

What's your issue, is it with a particular franchise, or from bad experience of franchising yourself?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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My idea in here is franchising system circulates and practice nowadays and somehow it really helps because of the name that you carry. It will be more successful if you put your business in a commercial area and people loves your products and services.


Very well said. I do agree with lemuelmayers.

Why would you agree? Add a few facts so that we can get more insights.


I am not satisfied with franchising system and i think it is not good for an establish business. What is your opinion?

Why not..?? Many companies have mad it big using this business model. eg: McDonalds. All that is required is a proper market and customer analytics.


forum avatarJackD
25th October 2012 11:04 AM
I am not satisfied with franchising system and i think it is not good for an establish business. What is your opinion?

There are a few drawbacks of franchising but overall its good in terms of profits and in terms of reaching customers. the drawbacks may include; maintenance of quality and deliverance of product/services. But that can be overcome through Quality Control and Quality Assurance.

You should recheck with your franchising I am sure your perception will change!


Hmmm, and yet, Marry still hasn't said why they are against it..


There are a few drawbacks of franchising but overall its good in terms of profits and in terms of reaching customers. the drawbacks may include; maintenance of quality and deliverance of product/services. But that can be overcome through Quality Control and Quality Assurance.

You should recheck with your franchising I am sure your perception will change!

Oh to agree with that. It may be a little difficult for the top authorities to monitor each and every little detail. But then again you must hire right.


Franchises are basically providing direct access to customers with organizations. These franchises are good source to convey messages to organizations about their services and get better facilities on your door step


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