About me goes independent - anyone using it?

By : Administrator
Published 6th February 2013 |
Read latest comment - 25th February 2013

About.me the personal profile service has decided to split with it's former owner AOL.

Just a few short days after our public launch in December 2010, we shared the exciting news that we

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn
never heard of it but have just signed up thanks


Had not heard of it but just checked it out. It is a like this one stop shop to store your contacts. Great concept but I think they should market it a little more maybe


I think I have registered there a few months ago, did`n see any effect and tottaly forgot about it. I hope it will has more to offer now.

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I know a few sole traders who found about.me very useful, as it works as a good way-finder for all of their social networks.

It's almost a given that most serious self-employed or sole-traders also have a good website that has the same information, though, so it'll be interesting to see what about.me can offer that makes it different..

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