Does anybody get any business magazines from UK or overseas

By : Growing Business
Published 12th September 2013 |
Read latest comment - 15th September 2013

Lets be honest business shows i think we in the UK rock at with the likes of dragons den and the apprentice

But when it comes down to business magazines do we have anything good out there personally i have not tryed this magazine yet Director Magazine—for business leaders but i am willing to can anybody give any feedback on it

Is there any other good ones in the UK?

I've heard rumours that some people import business mags from overseas and the ones who do the best are the u.s.a with ,mags like these Business News & Strategy For Entrepreneurs | Fast Company | Business + Innovation

Would you agree with this whats your opinions

I get marketing weekly if that counts, but it tends to end up unopened, and I'm currently building a wall of them around the office.

Business news wise I get from various online sites, rather than sit down with a magazine.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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