I have 3 domain names .com & .co.uk with 123reg now i am looking to bring them all over to the same hosting provider 2 will stay dormant for now with me wanting to have just professional emails for them so i can read messages 1 will be used as a website am also wanting to buy one other domain name .com and .co.uk and turn it into a blog through wordpress so a hoster with an easy set up with wordpress would be good. I wanted to ask
1.Is there a charge involved when transferring domains over even if you are taking a hosting package out
2.If you have just renewed your domains with the provider you are currently with say for example 2 years if then you transfer to another provider does that carry over or do you have to pay out again
3.What happens if a domain name is about to run out when switching providers will they automatically let you know to renew it
I was looking at the medium package on this site
https://www.vidahost.com/web-hosting/overview i cannot find any negative reviews about this company so would like peoples opinions
Thanks for any help