Shipping containers

By : Growing Business
Published 15th September 2013 |
Read latest comment - 18th September 2013

American program storage hunters where they sell unclaimed shipping containers & storage lockers is there anything like this that goes on in the UK

Regards Rick

American program storage hunters where they sell unclaimed shipping containers & storage lockers is there anything like this that goes on in the UK

Regards Rick

I saw one of these programs while the brain was parked in neutral, it was an American show, so maybe it was Storage hunters, I can't remember.

Basically 2 blokes were bidding on old storage lockers and they had to try and make a profit on the contents, and the show followed them round while they did deals and took items to get valued. Obviously things turned out to be a long lost one of a kind piece of valuable tat.

I've got to be honest, maybe it's my natural cynicism, but I didn't believe a word of it. It just so happened on the show I watch, they had numerous antiques, and specialist items worth a fortune, and ended up with Thousands of dollars profit.

I suspect this is very much staged, part staged or heavily edited to give a different impression. I'd imagine the majority of these storage units contain nothing much more than junk, and no doubt you could make a few quid at the car boot sale, but I doubt they are brimming with antiques and fortunes waiting to be cashed in!

But then maybe it's all true, and I'm missing out on a fortune of dead granny antiques tucked away in storage units across the UK....

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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