How do you name a business?

By Paul S : Forum Member
Published 13th August 2014 | Last comment 16th August 2014

wow thanks everyone for the feedback. I like Pauls Props maybe not PMS lol

thanks legal stop for the link very helpful. Might go with Pauls Property maintenance company or PPMC

thanks again

Paul S

If you like your name but not ready to go ltd, you can registar a dornant company name and still trade as a sole trader.  Dam weird stuff if you ask me.

I have seen dodgy daves alarms and crook alarns and then some weird ones.


Keeping it short is good for email and web domains.

My full company nane is way too long.

Secure I AM  is good for the industry i am in, but stands for Secure Installation and Alarm Maintenance.  

But hell if i used that name on the van, buisness cards etc be no room for anything else.

Business names in my opinion should be

Short or can be shortend a( for reasons  ss mentioned above)

Relivant to what you are doing

New start ups should look at things that are currently or becoming trendy in thinking about names, once established if its no longer trendy its become a recognised brand and doesnt matter.







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