By Jan Sitek : Forum Member
Published 15th August 2014 | Last comment 3rd September 2014
Comments me thinking many many moons ago used to work for the Dandy - always used to hide a cat in the pages somewhere!

...maybe I might resurrect him/her to get you guys a puzzling!  

Jan Jan the artist man

Wow - a truly decorated artist  (get it? )

Takes me back to my childhood - a local rag used to run a competition called hide Simon. They hid a small character on a page and if you found him you had a chance of winning £5! Never did win 


....'fraid alas, no one got any money when I hid the wee fella'...the Dandy is based in Dundee!!! 

Jan Jan the artist man

Can't get over the fact our man Jan worked for the Dandy, how cool is that! 

So I wonder if we can get a close representation but obviously slightly different for copy right reasons of Desperate Dan!

I see the Dandy is no more, ending in print in 2012 and the digital replacement flopped and got axed in 2013. What a shame, I suppose kids are now into apps and games rather than comics

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Never drew Desperate Dan for the Dandy, but did draw him for Cadbury's on the back of their Christmas selection boxes once - how cool is that! (bit of self praise never hurt anyone!) 

...Met the guy who used to draw him, he was a local guy from our neck of the woods Dudley!

Charlie Grigg, he used to draw the naughty postcards too! - there you go folks, potted history lesson of British Comics courtesy of MLS 

Jan Jan the artist man