Murdoch continues to saber rattle Google

By : Administrator
Published 12th April 2010 |
Read latest comment - 15th April 2010

Saw this on the Guardian site:
Rupert Murdoch defiant: 'I'll stop Google taking our news for nothing' | Media |

Murdoch defending his decision to put his newspaper sites and content behind "Paywalls". In otherwords you pay to access it.

"We are going to stop people like Google or Microsoft or whoever from taking stories for nothing

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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He is ramping up his pension pot he recently anounced he was going to switch Myspace to a subscription based model.

Good luck with that one


Sounds like a decision made out of desperation - rather than trying to find alternative means of generating revenue.

I seriously doubt his effort will be successful.


He might be a successful business man but I can't see people paying for everyday news. I can see people paying to access something like the FT.


Putitng a spin on it, he has an awful lot of content, from his news empire to facebook. Imagine if he asked for a small subscription, a few quid or dollars a year, and that gave you access to his new super duper search engine, and he guarenteed you spam free decent results, on his cleansed and updated content, could that be a possible threat to the major search engines?

A lot of the results that get thrown up these days are rubbish, a fact that has to get worse with feeds from the likes of twitter?

Dont think it would happen, but could be an interesting scenario

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

From what I understand they charge a



Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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