Air Conditioning

By : Business Owner
Published 16th May 2015 |
Read latest comment - 18th May 2015

If I told you I could make a case for you to have air conditioning and save money on your current energy bills would you

A. Not believe 

B. Believe

C. Want more information





Interesting and original introduction

Welcome aboard. erm.. A 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

When anyone says to me "I can save you money" over the long term, it usually costs a lot in the short term to find out how. I would also guess that it is risky business wise making financial claims, unless you can prove it mathmatically and offer a full refund should your claims be wrong.... My 1000 post


Yeah, but he did not say "over the long term." I must say how can you save money with an air conditioning unit? So now they are actually cheaper than fans to maintain?


Now there's the point (hello everyone)

The usual assumption with air conditioning is it is a luxury and cost a lot to run.

It can save you money by reducing your heating costs through the year as it takes about 1KW of energy to produce 3.5KW of heat into the property. It does this by extracting the heat that is outside and depositing it inside. Minimal heat is actually produced and so you don't pay to produce it, rather you pay to shift it indoors.

The latest heating systems now going in to new homes are now Heat pumps. They get the heat in the same way from the air or from the ground and bring it in to the property.

So, to run a fan costs as much as the fan costs to run, that's just spent cash. To run air conditioning is it's summer running cost less the saving you can make on your heating bills through the winter which is roughly a third of a gas CH system for the same area and as much as half an electric system.

Now my mission for my new company is to get that message across to home owners. 



I did a naughty on my intro and posted my website address before I read the rules so I'm expecting a ticking off from somewhere.

Yeah, but he d id not say "over the long term." I must say how can you save money with an air conditioning unit? So now they are actually cheaper than fans to maintain?”



I didn't think most homes in the UK were suitable, certain housing associations have taken them out as their tenants were receiving up to £2k a year electricity bills. The only thing that makes it financially viable as with all so called green products is the RHI payments...... Which is paid for by us in our fuel bills........


It's true that if you use the system hard all the time it could run up a bill, in the same way if you drive your car around hard all the time you will use a lot of fuel but sensible use can actually save you money and give you the extra bit of luxury in the summer. 

Suitability is an open question. You can install anywhere so long as you have electricity but the government grant schemes want to see cavity wall/ loft insulation, double glazing, heat loss calculations etc before they agree to go ahead

Don't get me wrong, there is a cost, Installation etc. Especially if its fitted as well as a central heating system but for extensions loft rooms and the like it can often be a much cheaper option to upgrading the current system. Ive just completed fitting out a loft bedroom and conservatory/extension. both rooms suffered with heat problems largely due to direct sun light. They are much more comfortable to live in and the radiators can now be shut off in both rooms reducing the power required by the central heating system.

The green energy schemes I'm afraid are a bit misleading as far as I can tell they are heat only air to water systems, you pay out a great deal more in the beginning which is paid back to you over the next few (7) years, but you have to conform to many conditions before hand, possibly have a heat meter fitted which big bro keep an eye on and no air conditioning allowed.

I didn't think most homes in the UK were suitable, certain housing associations have taken them out as their tenants were receiving up to £2k a year electricity bills. The only thing that makes it financially viable as with all so called green products is the RHI payments...... Which is paid for by us in our fuel bills........”



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