
Microsoft Tech Support Scams 11th June 2015 12:13 PM

My mum called a few days back... 

My dad is away on business, mum never uses the computer. The call had come in, and the 'Nice lady' on the phone from Microsoft told her to go upstairs and switch the machine on....

Not sure how she got her off the phone to call me, but she did. The PC was on, and my mum was sitting by it.

Mum is a 70 year old retired NHS member of staff who has spent her life helping everyone and anyone. Dad is a retired Army officer with a lot of service behind him. They are pensioners. 
Mum has survived a whole list of illnesses, and it's remarkable she's still with us, and we're so glad. They don't have much, but they are comfortable.

The thought that some irk would come along and strip them of that in the eve of their lives annoys the hell out of me. It clearly works - otherwise they wouldn't be calling. Something, other than legislation, needs to be done.

Spelling out why grammar matters 11th June 2015 12:08 PM

Absolutely it matters. Since being picked up on it a few years back, I am forever finding grammatical errors in advertising materials. When someone is pitching their services to me, and the headline says "Your not going to Believe our Deals!", it goes straight in the bin.

Says a lot about their business.

Grammatical errors on a forum by a business, doesn't matter so much.... (Just in case I've made any mistakes!!)

Everything just seems a mess...
Riots / Protests all over the place - hardly reported on the news, Political leaders resigning for losing...

It all makes me want to emigrate more!

I had a National front guy come to my office canvassing prior to the elections. He had 3 votes in the election... 

Maybe Ill stay...

Spam I Recieved 8th May 2015 10:36 AM

Must be someone starting on the ladder of scams...

Hope you've replied!

Views on my business 8th May 2015 2:08 AM

Well done.
Remember, if you want something enough, work work work and keep working at it. ;-)

If something doesn't give results, change it, and keep ploughing away.

Best saying ever for business which I use daily:

"If you do what you've done, you'll get what you've got". To that end, keep altering stuff till your a millionaire! ;-)

I went wild in a meeting last year when it was suggested that there was no longer a point to Remembrance Day as the First World War was a long time ago.

As a disabled ex serviceman, who has lost a lot of friends, it's quite valid to me as an event. likewise, VE day symbolises at lot more than VE day (Ditto VJ day, which less people will know about)

Im sure if you ask the same people who the Kardashians are (I really have no idea, I've just heard that on the radio) they would know.

I think this statistic may be a bit skewiff though... this is part of the curriculum in secondary education. Without reading the article (Apologies) perhaps the statistic is not balanced. If it is true, it's worrying.

I can well recommend anyone who wants more information contact the research part of my company to find out more about their ancestors who gave so much  for our freedoms (Unashamed link to company website: top right hand corner, click on genealogy), and ditto, people invest on a battlefield tour to get a better picture of the war. (Unashamed link to partner company delivering tours: )

Views on my business 7th May 2015 10:35 AM

I commend your spirit, and thinking outside the First Aid box.... (Sorry, couldn't help it!)

What is true is a lot of workplace First Aid kits are not compliant with the legislation as laid out by the HSE. When we inspect such kits, they are either half used up, or, well and truly out of date, with the eldest so far being from the 1940's.

I think as a business model, placing leaflets through doors is unlikely to have a massive response to be wholly truthful. If however, you traveled door to door with consumables, and offered a free First Aid kit health check, you may have more success. 

As a business, we advocate replacing the entire First Aid kit, and keeping it sealed for compliance. For example, if a workplace has a 10 person kit, that would be in the prominent place, with a easy break tie on it, and the contents expiry date clearly displayed on the outside of the box.

A 'working' First Aid kit is then maintained - all still in date etc, but, can be used for all the plasters etc that are often used, without detriment to the compliance holding.

So, as a business, perhaps you can carry a stock of HSE compliant First Aid kits, in addition to replacement consumables. 

If you are bringing First Aid kits 'up to stock level', i.e. just replacing a bandage or plaster, it may take some time to generate much revenue.

If you're in Wales (South, Mid, M4 Corridor, near Bridgend, Cardiff etc) you're more than welcome to take our leaflets with you, and we can supply a travelling salesmans box of bandages etc ;-)

So any good April Fools this year? 5th April 2015 7:47 PM
as usual I only remember around 12 am lol ,but missed most of the day anyway as I put my back out in a bad bad way ,so that's not been top of my list lately ,ever see a 110 year old getting around ,that's me right now lolol”

Does your movement come with audible effects?

I've found every time I go from a standing position, to any other position (and vice versa) I have to make some kind of sound. I guess it's a warning to others that I'm in the process of motion..

Truly a sign of old age! (35 going on 90 too!) 

So any good April Fools this year? 4th April 2015 12:19 PM

We've chosen April 1st as the only day of the year where we don't play some kind of prank at work....

I was teaching, not often it happens, but we were maxed out with First Aid Courses, so I left the safety of my office.

Teaching a group of social workers, they all had felt that being told to go on a First Aid course was a Aprils fool prank...

My favorite of all time is the "Lipra Loof" (Check it out on Youtube)

Solar Eclipse UK style 20th March 2015 4:32 PM

Stood in window. Stared at sun.

Noticed nothing.

Several hours on, my vision is still affected. I have to squint my eyes to darken the room a little.