What a difference 12 months makes. Last year we seem to riding the crest of a UKIP wave, now there are very public spats and skulduggery going on.
The UKIP election campaign director has turned on Farage according to the beeb, "who was quoted in a newspaper calling him "snarling, thin-skinned, and aggressive".
Nigel Farage facing leadership contest demands - BBC
There one and only MP has been blasted by the party for not taking the full allowance of Parliamentary money which is an astonishing £650,000 of tax payers money! A very admirable stance from the UKIP MP, and it seems the money is so high due to the way money is calculated for opposition parties, with a formula dividing seats by votes cast.
No doubt that will soon be amended
I suspect Nigel stepping down, then inadvertently back up again with no leadership election has now set the tone for lots of division and in-party fighting. It does seem to give the party a bit of an amateur image. Growing pains or a sinking ship I wonder?