
After 9/11, stricter USA entry controls were introduced but obviously not strict enough for the new President.  Unfortunately, the American people don't seem to know what they want or perhaps they have short memories.  

This new travel policy is a good idea but appears to have been poorly executed and communicated.  You only have to look at Germany to see what can happen with an "open door" policy.    Unless I'm being thick, I can't understand why Mo Farah has said he may not get home.  If he's got the correct visas and proof of residency in the USA then he shouldn't have a problem.  I would have thought better of him if he'd just kept quiet and contacted whoever he needed to, to verify his status.

Tunisia Victims' Inquest 16th January 2017 2:58 PM

Today is the first day of what is expected to be a six week process.  It will investigate how the victims died which will be very harrowing for the relatives, but will also report on whether the organisations involved could have provided more information to ensure that the risks of travelling to Tunisia were known, following the earlier attack on visitors to a museum.   One relative interviewed by Sky News stated that his father couldn't believe what a bargain he'd got as Thomson had slashed prices by 40% but he was unaware of any potential security risk.

The coroner will also be addressing whether Thomson provided enough advice to their customers or solely relied on them to do their own research into the situation.   A link to FCO travel advice is now available on Thomson's website, but apparently this was put in place after the Tunisia attack.   FCO ended the Locate service claiming that hardly anyone used it; probably because it wasn't well-publicised.  This has now been replaced with e-mail alert sign-up or following on Twitter/Facebook.  

Should we expect holiday companies such as Thomson, Thomas Cook, etc to do more to manage our safety on holiday or is it solely in our hands to ensure that we "do our homework" before travelling.  Specialist travel risk companies exist, but their alerts can only be accessed if an employer has a contract with them.  

"Your forum account...." 16th January 2017 2:23 PM
How did YOU know! 

Actually, on a serious point, call me mad, but I DO use a piece of tape over the camera.  Because you NEVER know, do you?!


So do I.  If the inventor of Facebook covers his, that's good enough for me!!

Hair dryers 16th January 2017 2:10 PM

And the price of said make is enough to make your hair fall out!!!!!

Difference between The Queen and The Donald is she knows how to keep her mouth shut (on the whole).

There are some predictions that he won't last the full term because he won't be able to cope.  Many thought Obama was a lame duck president, but I think we're going to see another one.   Or, we'll all be eating our words......

GP Appointments...... 13th January 2017 12:25 PM

My surgery isn't too bad as it's a large practice.  Took a while to get receptionists "trained" to offer appointments outside my working hours.  I often have first or second appointment of the day (820/830am) so why is my GP still running late......

By going at start or end of day, the patients who want to tell you about every illness/operation they have every had can be avoided!

Pyjamas in a supermarket 13th January 2017 12:19 PM

Apparently one of the "guilty" is now claiming that anyone criticising her is being racist.  As the photo was taken from behind, it's difficult to tell but methinks she's got the wrong "ist".

As for the lycra/tracksuit wearers, if you think it's bad enough seeing them in this country then witness them abroad in tops and cropped leggings.  Now that is a sight to behold......

Car hire in Florida 10th January 2017 12:33 PM

Another great idea from our American cousins.....

Car on the Drive will collect you from Orlando Airport in a minibus and take you to accommodation address, where hire car/s have already been delivered.  No more lengthy queues at airport car hire desks and trying to find accommodation whilst driving an unfamiliar vehicle, especially in the dark.  Paperwork is completed on arrival at accommodation.

This company also offers pre-ordered food packs so that you've got coffee/bread/soft drinks/milk etc from the moment you arrive.  

From the report I read, the service provided by this company was excellent.  It costs a bit more than just hiring a car but sounds to be worth it.  Mentioned on TripAdvisor.


Who will we lose in 2017? 9th January 2017 12:48 PM

Thanks for recommendation of "The Hundred-Foot Journey"; I'd forgotten about it.  East is East had other recognisable cast members.  His long-suffering wife now plays Nurse Phyllis in Call the Midwife.  One son is Dev in Coronation Street and another (Jimi Mistry) was Dr Fonseca in Eastenders and appeared on Strictly.  

Peter Sarstedt of "Where do you go to my lovely" fame has also passed, only those of a certain age will remember him.

Although not a celebrity in the usual meaning, Jill Saward was a tireless campaigner for better treatment of rape/attack victims.

Who will we lose in 2017? 6th January 2017 11:30 AM

First one appears to be Om Puri.  Bollywood actor and star of East is East.