Lou M - Profile

Lou M
Forum titleForum Member
JoinedAug 2014
Latest activity 26th Feb 2015 5:15pm  

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Sorry in advance if a) this has been covered (has a quick look and didn't see anything though I could be looking in the wrong area) or B) This is indeed in wrong section.


My Question is about blogging.  First of all how many of you blog? Do you find it effective? I know the obvious benefits mainly with SEO etc. But what else does it help with? It something I been thinking about adding to my website for a while but I'm not great at putting my thoughts on paper so to speak and don't want bad grammar etc to make it look unprofessional so it hinders instead of helping. Is it only recommended if you can write really great or if it doesn't read like it was written by a Herald journalist but still has decent content still help? Any thoughts/experience on this would be great thanks



FORGOTTEN TWEETS 14th December 2014 11:22 PM

i did see it after a long hunt, i don't want to say where and spoilt it for people but was well hidden but once you see it you can't unsee it  

FORGOTTEN TWEETS 12th December 2014 10:40 AM

Love it  and so much details must have taken you ages :O

Windows 7 9th December 2014 11:02 PM

I have win 7 pro will need ot check wat Ie i have. you need any help?

Yeah I agree. I think there team really showed team work and thought process. Alan (im sorry, "Lord") Sugar probably ego got burst with a lawyer outwitting him. But they worked better as a team. I cant believe the other team won despite being late and not bringing back all the items. I really didnt agree with it but ah well who are we  

Small Business Saturday - 6 Dec 2014 2nd December 2014 2:05 PM

Thanks Steve thats better,  

The Holidays are Coming... Norfolk Style 2nd December 2014 12:36 PM

ALl it needs is the fairy lights then will look legit no one could tell the difference  

Small Business Saturday - 6 Dec 2014 2nd December 2014 12:34 PM

I wasn't sure where to put this post so will put it here.


But as you may (or may not) be aware of) It is Small business Saturday. So decided to do something for it. I am looking for Businesses in Glasgow Area and Ayrshire Area to take part in a small video I would like to release on the Saturday. It should take no longer than 30 mins of your time. If you are interested, please get it touch will give you all the details.


But would be interested to know is anyone else planning on doing anything for it and remind people that it is important to use small businesses, or whats peoples thoughts on it.

films you enjoy 29th October 2014 11:45 AM

I love watching new films  and I liek to watch ones from all over not just british/american. And any ones to add to my watch list is always good  

I recomend solo press for printing their quality, service and fast delivery is outstanding. so easy to work with esp if you have questions. 

