Apprentice - was Felipe thinking outside the Skeleton

By : Forum Member
Published 4th December 2014 |
Read latest comment - 5th December 2014

Did anyone see the Apprentice last night?

What a travesty IMHO - Felipe was clearing thinking outside the box, showed a rare spark of tenacity, courage and a clear thought process that the team initially backed him for.

Business is about risk, strategy, thinking outside the norm and Felipe showed all of that last night, just a pity Lord Sugar didnt agree. Felipe was right, no where did it state that the skeleton had to be be built, made of bones/plastic or be of a set style. Just a skeleton 1.5 meters tall! The "Lord" may have intended otherwise but in Court he would have lost the argument.

I think its wrong that Lord Sugar sees the business ideas before and reflects on it during the process. The candidate should be chosen on merit and then the idea comes forward once the apprentice has been chosen - i think this demonstrates that Lord Sugar is biased to a particular candidate from the outset.

Felipe just didnt fit with his idea or the fact he was a Lawyer, who Lord Sugar just happens to despise .....


Yeah I agree. I think there team really showed team work and thought process. Alan (im sorry, "Lord") Sugar probably ego got burst with a lawyer outwitting him. But they worked better as a team. I cant believe the other team won despite being late and not bringing back all the items. I really didnt agree with it but ah well who are we  

CEO Resonate Media

I agree, I think 'Alan' has got too big for his boots and certainly didn't like being outsmarted by a lawyer. That's the only reason he got rid of him, nothing to do with the actual task! I liked Felipe and thought he would go further in the process. I do wish they would bring back the home shopping task...I loved that.

My views & opinions are my own

Just a skeleton 1.5 meters tall! The "Lord" may have intended otherwise but in Court he would have lost the argument.”

Be a struggle to find a 4ft 11 skeleton

Well it is only a game show! If you wanted to raise a bit of cash for a business venture, I think there are easier ways than national humiliation on the telly  I don't think any of them show any particular flair. I do like it though, as cheesy as it is I do like the one liners and the mickey taking. 

My favourite bit last night was the Irish girl at the Diamond dealer. Some serious flirting and pouting going on, which the bloke fell for hook line and sinker. Best line: "Your blond like my wife". 

Question is, is he still married this morning?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Ok, after a bung fight in the office I'll concede defeat... it was a 1.5 metre skeleton 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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