
Funny how successive governments are cutting the armed forces while Britain gets more involved in small wars. The armed forces are a big overhead until something like this reminds you why you need them.
I do not understand why companies junk loads of marketing materials when they do a rebrand. And you're also messing with an image which might have a lot of loyalty.

I wonder if its just MBAs with time on their hands being meddlesome?

You can have fun looking at trends in advertising. Like, some years ago you had a swirl cropping up in a lot of logos. And then, numbers. Like:


We're first in toilet managment. Or something.

[PS: That's (C) Reg Addking.]
Anyone here actually get business via Facebook and Twitter? I think it can work if your business has a human face.

I also think executives burble about Social Media so as to seem 'with-it'.

I'd be interested to hear personal experiences. Or I could just search the forum
Actually, it's Bill Clinton's fault. His administration pushed mortgages for poor people. Insane, in hindsight. All the dud paper was built on that.

It would be very good long term if the ar*e was kicked out of the housing market. People are putting too much money into a basic good. They should be investing it in businesses.
They're motorway services. If you're on the long haul and you're starving at 7.30am in the morning, they're a Godsend. Pricey stodge, but when you're hungry...

And sometimes a fry-up is just what the cardiologist ordered, to coin a phrase.
How not to use Google Adsense 12th January 2012 12:21 PM
You'd have to work hard to get around a ban.

Google's business is seeing patterns in data and you will likely start promoting a site that was in your old account or log in from a PC that has your old Adsense cookie on it and WHAMMO, you're binned again.
Discount codes or coupons, also called voucher codes, are not old hat. They're very popular. I always search around for one if I find a site uses them.

It's an old marketing tactic, certainly. And its still around because it works.
I thought these days SEO was screwing free traffic out of Google towards one's mediocre website? In essence

Seriously, one can go down a rabbit hole if you're a Google-twitcher.

Traffic is what we want, in the forming of potential buyers.

Or you can go black-hat, I guess.
Is Wordpress the best site type for SEO? 12th January 2012 11:59 AM
Any webhost with Cpanel + Fantastico lets you set up a WP install fairly easily.

Then you get a nice free Theme.

Then you install a free SEO plugin which has lots of good reviews.

Job done

WP: really great software. Amazing how easy it is to get a site going.
What exactly is Shallow content? 12th January 2012 11:56 AM
Google is now looking at things like how long people linger on a page it directs them too.

So you should ask:

What is great content?

Answer: Content that answers the questions the searcher has. That solves their problem.

Shallow content is: Articles by Indian writers, short product descriptions pulled from the same DB everyone else has, marketing blather, affiliate puff pieces etc.

It's better to focus on getting customers.