gpurdey - Profile

Forum titleBusiness Start Up
JoinedSep 2013
Latest activity 23rd Sep 2013 8:01pm  

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I would go with ad words, but also why not just do seo, people from Iran will find your site aswell, and maybe you can expand abroad.
SEO and paid advertising, if you need traffic quickly paid advertising, if there is no rush start SEO on your site but beware it can take a while to see decent results.
Royal Mail privatisation - finally! 19th September 2013 5:13 PM
your correct and that's one of the reasons why I am not, the other being that i agree with privatisation. I cant say I am looking forward to it though. I am not a member of the union so I don't think they can be too angry with me... I probably wont be there too much longer but I have learnt so much being there about how not to run companies!
Royal Mail privatisation - finally! 19th September 2013 4:28 PM
I currently have a part time job at royal mail and have to say i am probably the only postman in the country in favour of privatisation. Although my natural in stinks worry about the less bright people working there, from my own point of view its run so inefficiently you would have to work there to beleive it. Ultimately the problem is the postmen themselves, they remember it when it was even easier and moan so much when they have to do the slightest thing unusual (work past 12:00). I love it because I am home by one to work on my businesses, but from a non selfish point of view i am glad its being privatised and will be one of 3 postman in the 150 strong sorting office not striking.
Yes, but consider putting a - in between the words and taking the .com on that. Do you know anything about the people who have it, they may just be someone who thinks they can make silly money domain name trading and are overpricing their domain. I would go back and offer