Royal Mail privatisation - finally!

By : Administrator
Published 12th September 2013 |
Read latest comment - 25th March 2014

So after years and years of successive Governments telling us Royal Mail wouldn't be privatised, finally the current mob have bowed to inevitability

BBC News - Royal Mail privatisation 'in the coming weeks'

What does anyone think? Good/Bad/Indifferent?

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Potentially a very good thing for it to be privatized, have the whole operation run by business orientated people.

Of course they will be looking to monetize the operation. So lets hope they don't dump loads more junk mail through my door as a way to gain more revenue and pursue more inventive ways of raising funds.


Stobarts should bid for it.

After seeing their propaganda TV show, no way!

I think it will be a good thing. We get inundated with negative reviews for sorting offices. Reality is, it is a huge organisation, and running it effectively and in profit will be a challenge.

I suspect we will see big changes, reduction of sorting offices, maybe partnerships with other private couriers, but overall, it has to be a good thing.

Can see it now, Virgin Post... vans are already red...

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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I very rarely write or post letters nowadays, occasionally I'll send one to HMRC pleading poverty or something, but everything I write goes via email. I think last year I bought around 5 stamps if that, it's just something that I no longer have a need for. I think anyone who invests in the Post Office shares is going to be very brave indeed....


I currently have a part time job at royal mail and have to say i am probably the only postman in the country in favour of privatisation. Although my natural in stinks worry about the less bright people working there, from my own point of view its run so inefficiently you would have to work there to beleive it. Ultimately the problem is the postmen themselves, they remember it when it was even easier and moan so much when they have to do the slightest thing unusual (work past 12:00). I love it because I am home by one to work on my businesses, but from a non selfish point of view i am glad its being privatised and will be one of 3 postman in the 150 strong sorting office not striking.


Good for you gpurdey, What does striking really achieve other than even more contempt for those who stop work on the slightest whim then wonder why companies go broke, lay off staff or relocate off shore.


your correct and that's one of the reasons why I am not, the other being that i agree with privatisation. I cant say I am looking forward to it though. I am not a member of the union so I don't think they can be too angry with me... I probably wont be there too much longer but I have learnt so much being there about how not to run companies!


Regardless of whether posties go on strike or whatever peoples opinions are over the sale of the Post Office, its going to be sold off and there's no turning back on that now. So all anyone who strikes will achieve is a loss of personal income for the time their not working. I wonder how many postmen and women who are against the privatization will be refusing to collect their free share allocation? Because if they accept the shares, their right or wrong morals over the sale will have gone out of the window if they choose to accept or to purchase more of them, don't you think?


So as the Royal Mail is now privatised and a member of the FTSE 100, I suppose it's not that surprising to see private sector efficiency programs kick in, as they cull head office staff and managers.
The vast majority of employees impacted will be in the Group

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

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