
New business gone dead 20th March 2015 8:45 PM

Interesting....not one picture of an oven on your home page...I would expect to see at least a comparison of a dirty one and then the after pic after you had cleaned it. I am shocked actually, that a picture of the service is nowhere to be seen upon landing on the most important page of your website.

There is one pic on the about us page (strange place to put a before and after pic anyway) which to me looks like it has had the dirt photoshopped onto the left side of the image.

Get some real pics on there of the before and after of real customers ovens. Or do you have no control over the website with it being provided by the franchise? Which is another thing, its too franchisy looking. it loses the local feel to it.

Pages dedicated to the franchise and the big banner at the bottom - why should the franchise get any part of your website apart from perhaps a link in the footer?

Have you researched which keywords are actually the best to use? Do you get any say in optimising your website for different keywords?

Solar Eclipse UK style 20th March 2015 8:29 PM

Well it was a bit of an anti climax after the media decided to pump it they do. When I left home the sun was actually blinding, you couldnt even look in the direction of the sun let alone at it..that was at 8am and by time I got to office 17 miles away, the clouds were out and it was dullish anyway. Then got duller not darker...seen darker days when a storm is due. However when it peaked around 9.30 the clouds mysteriously parted right around the sun like a hole...and we could see the eclipse clearly as there was just enough cloud to cover the rays of the remaining bit of sun. I remember the last one in '99, also not exciting either.

New business gone dead 20th March 2015 11:06 AM

Well firstly, you bought a franchise and your first port of call MUST surely be to them to gain their support for this situation. Have you been getting their support from start up? It is largely one of the main reasons you are paying out for a franchise rather than starting up on your own - you get all the extra support and hopefully extra advertising support from them via other means?

The other thing. If you would have been happy with 10 cleans in December, and lets say 15 in January (that's 50% up on Dec) then if you had more than triple the work in Dec & Jan then why financially you must be as well off as if you had only hit your original targets as what you over-earned in Dec and Jan would have covered Feb & March?

You do find that people tend to stop advertising when they are busy (resting on their laurels) and then suddenly wonder why there is no work coming in! Tip - ALWAYS advertise when you are busy! You need to do the advertising work now for work coming in for May/June, so essentially you need to be at least 3 months ahead. So my guess is you were enjoying all the new trade nd were very busy those 2 months and then overlooked or decided you didn't need to advertise quite as much.

If you had tripled your sales forecast in December and January did you invest all that extra money into advertising or was it converted into a better Christmas??!!

If not already, get on facebook, post in those local selling groups, you can make a lot of money with local domestic services. I have used services of a  carpet cleaner, a car valet, a motor repairs and a dog groomer from Facebook. I see their ads regularly (but not in your face) and when i'm ready, I order. The clue is to add your posts about once or twice a week, so you are seen but not annoying folk. And if possible, add in some cleaning tips and before and after pics. This is free and only needs your time. Also stick free adverts on sites such as preloved, gumtree, vivastreet if you can.

It's almost like they are now out to get him after all the past stuff. To actually suspend the show is ridiculous and i'm not even a fan. People have been arrested and charged for serious crimes and not had their shows pulled....cue coranation street for one.

I have a 160 watt bluetooth speaker and often have it on loud. Only had it on full blast when neighbours went to Oz for 10 weeks over xmas so that was good. #Love it loud


Email marketing, who would you recommend? 22nd February 2015 11:50 AM

Mailchimp is free, easy to use, very feature-rich, and all you need is a new design for the template each month, so this is all you would pay for, apart from paying for someone to set it up for you, if you don't want to or can't do it yourself.

Criminal Negligence - or not 22nd February 2015 11:47 AM

Do keep us updated as to the outcome of this. Good luck with it x

Criminal Negligence - or not 20th February 2015 2:31 PM

Is there no ombudsman you can refer the case to??

I thought it was the scene with Phil where you saw the London skyline?? Which was probably a real location (not on set) as it was live.

I watch eastenders and coronation street (no others), and always have done. When we were kids we also had emmerdale farm and crossroads on the telly every evening too. So it was crossroads, then emmerdale farm then coronation street, then des oconnor or someone like that!