lcurrall - Profile

Forum titleGrowing Business
JoinedJan 2012
Latest activity 17th Jun 2012 1:36pm  

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We have been focused on writing articles and posting directly to our site and then communicating new articles via social media. We did try and post articles to websites such as ezinearticles but didn't see any great uplift in either page rank or referred traffic. I may be being too naive but we are just concentrating on getting the right content and communicating on the right forums to generate our traffic.
Fuel crisis 19th March 2012 1:03 PM
I think the UK faces a condundrum. To make alternative fuels work there needs to be a signficant investment in infrastructure; however, UK gov doesnt have the money. Electric cars are a perfect example I read that the government want electric cars to make up 25% of cars on the road by 2020. But there are still almost 0 charge points around the streets?! why would anybpdy invest in an electric car that they couldnt take journeys without the risk of runnning out of charge???

In terms of solar power as an answer to the general increase in fuel price I dont know where you are coming from - you simply cant replace solar power for anything that is a dependant on petrol or diesel which are the fuels that are currently inflated.

I think this was just a thread aimed at generating more business for your site - blatent spam
Groupon made to improve 19th March 2012 12:51 PM
I have always thought that Groupon would be a fad. It seemed like everytbody wanted a piece of it - I didnt know anyone that wasnt constantly looking on grouponn for deals. Then they realised that their products were discounted for a reason! I have bought a substandard feather pillow and a meal that i wouldnt have given to a dog (limited menu and stung for expensive add ons to the meal that actually made it normal price!). I will not be buying anthing from groupon ever again and I dont think I am alone. I think in the years to come Groupon will be long forgotten and confined to business history.
Game Group on verge of Collapse 19th March 2012 12:45 PM
its yet another example of a high steet retailer that as fallen victim of the growth of the internet. I just cant see how the likes of Game can compete with the likes of amazon and Having 1000 shops on the high street adds a significant operating cost that the online companies dont have and to make things worse customers are preferring online shopping for products such as CDs and Games. Carrying a substantial operating cost that doesn't generate any additional revenue for you business compared to your competition is a dangerous situation for any business!

I dont think it will be long before all high street retailers of CD's, DVDs and Games have disappeared and everyone shops online
Client relationships 11th March 2012 5:22 PM
I think that gifts can be used to drive loyalty and to thank long standing relationships. I cant think how useful having a small gift will be to a client that has just started a relationship with you but I can certainly see the value in a xmas gift to key clients etc
Magazine Advertising 11th March 2012 5:17 PM
I agree Google adwords is great tool but do your research on how to maximise its output first. It is absolutely crucial that you have done some keyword analysis on research prior to getting involved. You need to find terms that will give you both a good quantity of clicks through to your site and quality of click throughs i.e. does the term you are marketing drive through customers that are in the buying cycle for the product you sell.

Google will take money from you the minute that somebody clicks ont your site if non of them do anything but have a leisurely browse round the site Adwords will be an expensive fruitless tool. I have seen people lose a lot of money on Adwords. Make sure you are doing you research on what temrs drive paying traffic and you will be fine. Some people use adwords as a test bed for their organic website optmisation. ie they will pay for a certain keyword for a week and see if it converts - if its does then more effort will be put in to drive more organic clicks through to the site for free.

Adwords is a great tool if used properly and is reserached beforehand. Good luck to you!
I cant believe that the Greek economy will be allowed to slip into bankrupcy becasue of the 'euro project'. Too many politicians will have to admit failure which I cant see happening. That said the current bailout deal that has been put togther that assumes Greece will be out of trouble by 2020 is extremely ambitious. They are basically suggesting that despite all of the whopping great cuts in austerity the growth figures of the economy will only be moderatley effected. These growth figrues not being achieved it will leave the greek economy needing yet more bailouts before long. Which the germans will be very happy about im sure.....
Fuel Price - USA versus UK 3rd March 2012 1:00 PM
I think petrol prices in this country are a demonstration of what situation the whole country is in financially. Unfortunatley the government are in a no win situation - if they keep or rise petrol prices they will seriously impact growth. If they reduce the duty on fuel they reduce one of the key revenue earners for the country - which the current deficit wont allow. despite petrol prices being so ridculously inflated by tax compared to other countries I cant see the government being able to do anything becasue of the financial state of the country.

The picture displaying the amount of duty above is absolutely shocking
Getting Paid... 27th February 2012 9:00 PM
On the whole most of our clients pay very in full on time but there are a couple of our clients that are always very very slow to pay. The amount we are collecting sometimes is so small it almost doesnt seem worth it but we continue with our rigorous collection processes out of principle. It is such a waste of time continuing to chase invoiceses and emails but I suppose it is just part of the game.

does anyone else have any issues with customers/clients in collecting revenues? if so what methods do you use to get the illusive payments?
Cold Callers in Warmer Climates 26th February 2012 4:33 PM
I find the whole concept of cold calling so frustrating. Since we started our business we have had so much junk mail and so any phone calls for things that we would never need or want. I really wish therew as some kind of way that you could go ex-directory to stop them.