Fuel Price - USA versus UK

By sjr4x4 : Administrator
Published 15th February 2012 | Last comment 7th March 2012
I think petrol prices in this country are a demonstration of what situation the whole country is in financially. Unfortunatley the government are in a no win situation - if they keep or rise petrol prices they will seriously impact growth. If they reduce the duty on fuel they reduce one of the key revenue earners for the country - which the current deficit wont allow. despite petrol prices being so ridculously inflated by tax compared to other countries I cant see the government being able to do anything becasue of the financial state of the country.

The picture displaying the amount of duty above is absolutely shocking


I spend an average of


..only way to get it going back down is for everyone to stop moaning about it as individuals, band together and bring the country to a grinding halt.

We had the fuel strikes a few years ago, did they really achieve anything?

Interesting idea for a collective countrywide shut down, you lead Barney, I'll follow

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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Funny enough I got caught up in the fuel protest at number 10 today, didn't even know there was a protest till I got there. Listening to LBC today and yesterday callers were saying that they have already folded their businesses because they can no longer afford the cost of fuel. It use to be that diesel was around 5p cheaper than petrol because it cost less in production at the refinery, it still does. So how has it become more expensive than petrol? Anyway if fuel prices continue to rise it will effect everyone in this country whether they are drivers or not because the cost of goods will just go up accordingly which no one will be able to afford to purchase. So up will rise the unemployment figures. It dosen't make any kind of sense to me at all.


I think after the looting we had early this year shows how good or bad we are at organising chaos -
Government are trying to take us back a level to try to make up as much lost cash in the little time they have left.. by the time the next election rolls around the next generation of voters will all on mass vote... or go looting again

Paul Green

What the government should be doing is offering some obscene financial incentive to any technology company that can come up with a lightweight battery solution that will power a family saloon size electric car over 500 miles, then they can revitalize and re-invent the car industry.

No doubt we would end up with a battery or electric tax that went up every month

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
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