Http:// or HTTPS:// who knows or who cares?

By Hornsea ink : Forum Regular
Published 1st August 2017 | Last comment 26th September 2017

I've indexed mine to start searching and got an email for them saying they are starting to go though my site... Only the important bits are https  , it what was recommended to me in 2014 , I'm hoping once things do get indexed I'll change .. Will just have to find those few http in above post , I think I know where they are

Andy-C | Pewter World


i have a few websites, some of which have been around for many years.  None are commerce related but advertise our martial art services. In all the time I have been around we are always on the first page of search in Preston area but never at the top. We are always beat by a less mature website offering a similar service.  The only difference that I can see is they use https. Yet I know they are an amateur group and are not commerce.   I've tried creating new websites to no avail. My question is, does https take precedence over http when using google ? Should I change my websites to https as a matter of principle?  Many thanks 


My question is, does https take precedence over http when using google ? Should I change my websites to https as a matter of principle?  ”
Googles search index algorithm is comprised of 200+ signals. HTTPS is just one of them. The amount of weight it carries varies depending who you talk to but only Google can tell you for sure.
What we do know is Google is focused on the web consumer experience and it has been very vocal about speed, security and relevant content relating to a users search query.
HTTPS addresses security so it's going to be an important signal.  But page load times particularly for the mobile first world we are moving to are also very important.
Visit Googles speed test page, compare your website and then your competition. Personally I would address these issues before moving to HTTPS.
Then look at the usual ranking factors, build some good quality links, active social media presence. I'd also question the need for multiple websites advertising the same service. If it was me, I'd consolidate and concentrate on promoting one site.
So to answer your question, don't change to HTTPS as a matter of principle, change to HTTPS as part of an ongoing an coordinated marketing plan. Your competition may look more amateur than your website in your eyes, but if it loads quicker, is more secure, and Google deems it to be returning relevant content for relevant search results, then that's why it will out rank you. 
But never tinker, always sit down and plan any changes. Near the top of page 1 is infinitely better than the top of page 4 
Hope that helps.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Well I have taken the jump this weekend and fixed (hopefully) the issues suggested + went though all my products and changed images to https ... I did start a while ago with https and google has found about 90% of products.Apart from submitting all the new links not really sure what else to do ...

I am looking for a Zencart SEO to do some on site work ,if anyone knows anyone

Andy-C | Pewter World

Well I have taken the jump this weekend and fixed (hopefully) the issues suggested + went though all my products and changed images to https ... ”

looking good Andy 

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

Thank You. Nothing seems to have change visitor wise ,but it is early days ... I just need someone to help with on-site SEO now as I did it all myself , but trying to find someone is proving to be a challenge

Andy-C | Pewter World

Thank You. Nothing seems to have change visitor wise ,but it is early days ... I just need someone to help with on-site SEO now as I did it all myself , but trying to find someone is proving to be a challenge”

Plenty of SEO peeps out there, but depends on your budget. Plenty of sharks as well  Maybe put a project and budget together and put something on a site like or similar? Unless you know any zencart user forums who can recommend one.

Steve Richardson
Gaffer of My Local Services
My Local Services | Me on LinkedIn

It's the zencart bit lol ... I tried once and loads of people wanted the job ,but the 2 I tried had no idea of the structure so had to abort


Andy-C | Pewter World

Agree that it can be confusing when switching to HTTPS results in traffic (and therefore probably also sales) going down. But I've read that this is a common short-term consequence and it should recover.

It seems like Google are trying to make everyone switch to HTTPS, so those without it in the near future will be 'punished'. 

Our website ( is still HTTP, but I think we'll be making the switch soon. Not having a secure site could scare off potential customers.


I agree on the dip , views are down quite a bit as are sales ,but still plodding along .. I've done it now ?? so hope by the time the Christmas rush is on I'll be back to normal or as normal as I can be ...Taken a long time but am nearing the 1000th sale and hoping against hope it should happen this year

Andy-C | Pewter World

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